View Full Version : Just wondering?

01-02-07, 08:53
Since i fear that one day i am going to go completely crazy...even though i have been assured that i won't. i still believe that i will be the one person who's anxiety lead to insanity...My thoughts are out of control...my obsessive thought was really bad today, so bad that i just crawed into my bed and forced myself to sleep, it seems sleep it the only way out for me..

I was wondering.. How do people go crazy?

You see i obsess over how my mind works, how im able to picture images, have memory, think of one thing to the next everything to do with the mind..for me i feel im putting my sanity at risk everytime i think like that.. and what sucks more is that its my obesessive thought...i can't get rid of it...its confusing my obsessive thoughts are about thoughts....when i get too deep into it, it feels like im going to go completly crazy.

Does anyone know out there how people go nuts... I mean isn't it from thoughts...i always thought that people who think too deeply ( witch im doing) go nuts... like they think and think and think untill they think of something that there mind can't comphrehend and then go crazy...

One more thing..Im very afriad of turning into those people who are truly insane..who are locked up in a hospital and are just out of it....they have no clue whats what ...almost like there mentally retarted...are those people born like that? if not then i feel that if i keep thinking the way i do im going to turn into that..My thought is just way to intense for my mind to handle..

i am aware that "if i think im going crazy , Im not"....saying....but i feel that its just going to happen over night...instantly go crazy..

Worse thought ever and worst fear ever....its going to be really hard to overcome this..

01-02-07, 10:32
yes its true if you were having a break down you wouldn,t even know about it!
please try not to worry
take care
rach x

01-02-07, 19:39
The fear of insanity is a common symptom for people who suffer with anxiety and/or depression.
I used to be worried about the same thing but I have had anxiety for nearly 15 years now and I am as sane (some might disagree with that - LOL) as ever.
I know that it's a scary thing but you just have to keep telling yourself that the thoughts you are having are just that.. thoughts. Redirect your thinking when possible and remember when you have a thought that you feel is silly or scary to dismiss it by telling yourself that it is silly.
You are definitely not alone in feeling this way!! I hope that you feel better real soon.

02-02-07, 02:27
I get these thought alot.

I know of four young people (3 of them close to me) between the ages of 20 and 28 who have had a nervous breakdown and have had to go into hospitals.

This scares the hell out of me and I can't stop thinking that this anxiety thing is sending me toward a breakdown too. I am 28 also and so these thoughts are really terrifying for me.
