View Full Version : Hard Fixed Lump attached to Jaw Bone. Please help me I'm so worried.

05-07-15, 15:37
Hello, Let me expand something over the last month I have found a lot of different lumps. I have seen Doctors about them and they have all said what they are and they have been correct each time.

This time however I am very worried, while I was checking under my Jaw (I know I shouldn't check I just can't help it) I found a Hard jump that seems to be attached to the bone on the left hand side. It wasn't by the skin its maybe a CM in, I only felt the bottom its not massive but its about the size of a pea. I tried to move it but there was no luck, it feels hard kind of like bone of course I began to freak out and am still freaking out as we speck.

I was checked for more lumps Monday last week but they didn't find anything, besides the ones that I knew about. I was thinking maybe it might be the bottom of my wisdom teeth as I currently have one that is coming through in that area, but I somehow know it's nothing like that my mind is telling me it's the "C" word.

Has anyone felt anything like this? I can't do anything, I'm so worried. I just want it all to stop but it won't overtime I get over one thing something else pops up that always feels worse than the last.

05-07-15, 16:25
I had this once randomly. Ended up being a lymph node or something like that caused by an cold I had weeks ago, or as a result of a cold infection that never actually made it to the normal symptoms stage. It went away after a few days.

05-07-15, 18:32
it sounds like a lyph node and u seem like ur in panic mode at the momemt, and i bet you keep touching it and prodding it or checkin its there etc, if so you are keepin it enlarged and can even get bigger by touching it dont touch it leave it and it will be gone, If it doesnt go it doesnt have to be cancer could be a cyst dont worry chill relax and if ur panicking checking everything out like myself you need to get cbt therapy so go to ur doctor and get some help

05-07-15, 19:04
Thank you for your replies, I am very much in panic mode have been since I found it yesterday. I was feeling around the other side of my jaw and I think I can feel another lump a bit higher up similar position and feel. That side my wisdom tooth is a lot more through and has almost all of the tooth showing, while the side I can feel the hard, unmoving lump that feels attached is not really starting to come through do you think it could be related to my teeth?

I know both of you say its a lymph node but if it is isn't it bad? as the lump is solid and unmoving I thought that was a clear sign of the "C" word.

05-07-15, 19:11
I had head and neck cancer. What you describe doesn't even come close to presenting as such. A "pea" sized node is a totally normal node. In comparison, the node that turned out to be cancerous in my neck started out at 2+cm, was visible and by the time I had surgery, I had two 5+cm cancerous nodes wrapped around the nerves, arteries and muscles in my neck.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. Stop poking and prodding. If it's a reactive node, you'll just aggravate it.

Positive thoughts

05-07-15, 19:17
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Fishmanpa I could have done with remembering this through my times of severe Health anxiety.

I have a visible 'lump' on the side of my neck, it's been there since early childhood, my gp said it was a swollen gland. It's easy to see, sticks out quite a big and is large. Not painful and non move able. I forgot about it for years, then when i was 20 i started to take note of it again for some reason, convinced myself it was cancerous. This gland still swells up when i have a virus and goes back down after, my GP said that suggests a healthy gland.

My fears came from my uncle having Non Hodgkins Lymphoma,

It took a while to believe my Doctors. I did have a scan on my neck. It's easy to forget factual information when you're mind is all over the place,

05-07-15, 20:06
It's easy to forget factual information when you're mind is all over the place
Definitely! I wish I had some proper facts around heart problems. For example, what does a heart attack feel like? Is it always intense pain and pressure and pain that moves around and down the arm? Or can it be more subtle? I make up what it should feel like and surprisingly, that matches what my anxiety makes me feel like, but having proper facts should do a massive reassurance job.

06-07-15, 18:30
Sounds like what I have. After an ear infection a year and a half ago, I got a giant malteaser sized lump behind my jaw bone that felt attached to my bone and that area. I was worried sick. I have had it checked out numerous times and each doctor tells me it is a lymph node and it wont go down now because of how often I touched it. At worst, I was touching it 100+ times a day. A year and a half on, its still here and still the same size.

07-07-15, 14:50
Hello, again I went to see my Doctor today. He checked me and said he doesn't see or feel anything to worry about and even said that the Lymph Node I am having the Ultrasound on is fine and there is no real reason to have it done but its for the best if I'm worrying.

I decided I would take my mom with me as she is much better at listening at everything not just the bad stuff but overall he said I have normal blood tests. He couldn't feel or see anything that looked like a problem, told me to stop messing as I have now hurt the area as I keep getting pains blow my jaw.

Thanks again guys I'm going to try and stop checking and star enjoying my break from Uni.