View Full Version : Frequent urination...

05-07-15, 16:07
Hi, this is my 1st post, though I've been reading these boards and gotten great comfort from them for over a year.

This frequent peeing has become a recent development for me. About a month ago I had a day where I peed about 13 times. My water intake was no different than it normally was. I would say that on a normal day I usually go about six times. Thankfully it went away the next day.
This week, it has seemed to return. I feel like as soon as I drink any amount of water, no matter how small, I have to pee within 10 minutes. Every time I go, it's clear and it's a strong stream. I do sleep through the night without peeing, and yes, when I'm fully occupied by something else, it tends to recede. Also, once I get going with these multiple pees, the tip of my penis tends to get sensitive...not painful.

Had a physical about 8 months ago, all numbers good (blood sugar and kidneys in particular), but of course I'm thinking I've turned diabetic or my kidneys are shutting down etc....

Any comforting words? (M, 36yo btw)
Thanks! :flowers:

05-07-15, 16:13
Hi Willtruman

I would guess at your age that it might be an infection of the sexual kind as some can rear their ugly head without any discharge but a simple urine test would show that up.

Are you under additional stress ? That can be a cause but to be honest you don't appear to have any symptoms that sound alarming but see your doctor if it continues.

05-07-15, 16:33
To me it sounds like a reaction to being anxious. Especially since you don't need to urinate during the night or when you're engrossed in something. I'm female but I've had the same thing and my GP thinks it's anxiety.

lindy lou 2
05-07-15, 17:09
I have found this happens to me, when I am particularly anxious, I think it is quite common, so I wouldn't worry about it:)

05-07-15, 17:15
Thanks for the replies. As for it being some sort of STD, I've been with my partner monogomously for 9 years, so I doubt that, maybe a bladder issue at worst?

05-07-15, 17:52
Have u been to have your wee tested it could be uti bladder infection any of those I am one here who suffers form frequent turbinate on in bouts and nos the more u concentrate on it he worse it gets .try not it think bout it . But pop to docs to get checked first x

05-07-15, 18:16
Yes, I had a urine test and it was negative. And you're right, Beckie, the more you think about it the more it happens, definitely ties in with my levels of anxiety

05-07-15, 19:22
I have had this and my urine was clear and really needed to go it was like my body had to get rid of all fluid but I never woke during the night needing to go.All anxiety I had a prostate check a psa blood test blood test for diabetes and kidneys esr etc all 100% normal. Even had a camera down to check my bladder and once I accepted it was anxiety it all stopped. It is crazy how powerful the mind is I was even counting the time between each toilet visit that is how obsessed I became And also had urine test which was normal

lindy lou 2
05-07-15, 20:17
I honestly think this is anxiety, you have been to the doc's & tests were clear.
Even Claire Weekes mentions it as an anxiety symptom in one of her books.
The way I see it, if I urgently need to go a lot one day, on a more relaxed day I don't, so I don't worry about it, anxiety causes so many physical symptoms, also some meds can cause it, if you are on any.
I had to have an ECG because of meds, just to check, my anxiety was so high when I went for it, my GP rang me to say it was indecipherable, you can imagine how much that freaked me out, when I went for the repeat, she gave me one lorazapam to take an hour before, I still felt anxious, but the lorazapam must have been working in the background, it was perfect !
So just try to chill about it, if you have to go a lot , you do, bet when you are more relaxed you don't. Don't give up drinking water, we need it to keep the kidneys functioning, especially if you are on meds. Cutting down makes no difference anyway.
Hope these posts have put your mind at rest, go with the flow, not very punny I know.:yesyes:

10-07-15, 22:46
Thank you for all the replies. It's still coming and going, and I've decided that at worst, it's a UTI, or a bladder infection. I'm going to monitor over the weekend, and if it's still happening on Monday, I'll ask my doc for urinalysis.
Thank you for calming my nerves, and making my first lost here a pleasant event.

Now on to all my heart worries....

12-07-15, 02:41
Bet you money.. ANXIETY

16-07-15, 17:22
I went through a period of time about a year ago where for a few months I dealt with something extremely similar. I started to fear I had IC. It was terrible! Eventually the fear behind it faded away and the problem cleared up. It's been about a year now. Just work on your anxiety I bet the problem will fade.