View Full Version : Upper left arm twitching, freaking me out!

06-07-15, 03:42
I haven't been around for a while but here I am again. Last week I was relaxing on the couch and out of nowhere the upper back of my left arm started twitching. I could feel it and see it. It was on and off for about 2 hours then it stopped. It came back again that evening. I started to panic about ALS. The next day it did it again on and off, again the day after but it was better and not as often. Today its happened a few times as well. I do get other twitches but not like these ones. I'm a 30 year old female. I'm completely freaking out!!!! :(

06-07-15, 04:56
Twitches aren't a sign or symptom of ALS. This is a SECONDARY action and it ONLY happens AFTER the muscle has started it's dying process, NOT before.

You will be very weak before you start twitching, and remember that 99"% of ALS patients don't actually feel their twitches anyway.

06-07-15, 05:12
Thank you for your reassuring post! Its hard not to worry but I'm trying not to. I've been praying a lot lately.

06-07-15, 13:13
Anyone else, this morning my arm has twtiched a couple of times again. I'm totally flipping out! :(

06-07-15, 13:45
Hi, twitching is a really common anxiety symptom! My thigh is actually twitching as I type this! I get them ALL the time in my legs, eye, stomach, basically everywhere. It's a hallmark sign of anxiety and is really not worrisome at all. The more you focus on it, the worse it will seem. The twitching will eventually pass. My eye was twitching for about 2 months before it finally went away. Try not to worry about it, next time you get a twitch, remind yourself that it is anxiety and not something bad:)

06-07-15, 14:20
Thank you!! Its hard to remain positive when your in the middle of anxiety like that.