View Full Version : Blood pressure

01-02-07, 11:22
Hi all

I am nearly 11 weeks pregnant with my third child and am also in the middle of major building works on our home. I have been suffering from a left sided headache, jaw stiffness and clicking, ear fullness and sinus pain for over 6 weeks. I went to the doctor today and he really couldn't see what was causing it - said it may be sinusitis or stress. He did take my blood pressure though and said it was a little high - this has always been fine with me even through my last 2 pregnancies.

I stupidly came home and googled symptoms and now I am scared that I have hypertension and will get pre-eclampsia!

I am also feeling a bit down at the moment. I have a lovely husband and two wonderful kids but I really wanted a third. I have pushed for this and now I keep thinking that I have been selfish. My kids need me. What if I make myself ill with this pregnancy? I should have just been happy with the lovely family I already have. I don't know what to think and am really worried about blood pressure. It was 130/80 whatever that means!

Sorry to go on!!

Jo xx

01-02-07, 12:22
Hello they say normal BP should be 120/80.

Its normal to have high BP when pregnant my wife did with both of are children so try and not worry and stay off google symptoms.

I had high BP but i have got it under control now with my diet.

Try not to worry.


01-02-07, 12:29
Hi Jo

Like Gareth says i wouldnt worry about you BP, im not pregnant and my BP is usualy higher than your reading hun, so try not to worry.

Sending you hugs


"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

01-02-07, 14:34
Good gracious that's not my understanding of high blood pressure at all hun!!

As someone who actually had eclampsia with my first pregnancy I can tell you my BP was way way way higher than that. Oh and by the way the baby that I have (albeit it rather early) is now 20 and 5ft 9!! :)

Don't give it another thought and enjoy every minute of your pregnancy! Let the house go to pot and just focus on lots of relaxing when you can, which is not easy when you've also got the others to look after too. I would take any help that is offered from anywhere and at anytime. As you get bigger involve the kids with little jobs if they are old enough - infact involve anyone :D:D:D

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-02-07, 10:56
My normal blood pressure is 130/80 and my GP is very happy with that. It was a bit higher last time I went and I worried about this for a few weeks, but the nurse didn't seem too bothered. I also had preeclampsia in one pregnancy and as Piglet says, it would be much, much higher than 130/80. I think you were right to have a 3rd child - we would have liked another but gynaecological problems resulting in an op put paid to that (and started my health anxiety). You are more likely to regret not having another child than regret having him/her, if you see what I mean. If your doctor/nurse was worried about your blood pressure they would be checking it frequently. I also know two other people who have had preeclampsia - all 3 of us had healthy babies. Also, it is much more common with first pregnancies and this is your third so you will be okay. I would try to use diet to control your blood pressure - no sugar, caffeine, etc. Bananas are good for potassium which I think reduces bp too. Best wishes.

eddie d
02-02-07, 15:25
130/80 is a great pressure .for your age that is spot on .anything over 140/90 may be high but yours isnt

02-02-07, 16:28
being pregnant is a very stressful time but you really have nothing to worry about. having two kids and another on the way would make anyones increase slightly but yours is no where near the level of being hypertension. i had pre eclampsia with my son and can honestly say you cant get pre eclampsia this early in pregnancy and also if all three children are by the same father the chances are very slim indeed. when i had pre eclampsia i balloned and had to wear size 12 flip flops due to the fluid retention (im a small 7) to fit my feet in they were so swollen also my bp was 180/100.

so you honestly shouldnt worry your body just needs to push a bit more blood round your body for your baby (this is perfectly normal)

also your much more susceptable to bugs when your pregnant unfortunately because your bodies immune system has to decrease so it doesnt attack the baby

everything your going through is perfectly normal for a pregnant woman

p.s congratulations on the baby (my panic attacks went away after bout 16 weeks with my second)


02-02-07, 16:58
Thanks everyone for all your replies. As all of you know, it sometime doesn't take much to push us over the edge and yesterday was like that for me. I feel a lot better today.

Hope you are all feeling able to cope at the moment. Hugs to you all x

Jo xx