View Full Version : Arhytmia, my tests results but still have questions

06-07-15, 08:06
Hey everyone,
Got the results of the holter and i got this message:

***** Hospital, ***** Thailand
July 5,2015
Dear Mr. Mathieu Robillard,
The Holter monitor showed normal pattern,no arrhythmia,no abnormal ST-T depression.
You could come and pick up the permanent report from CCU before 4pm rand ask the CCU head nurse taking care of it.
Since your EKG,Exercise Stress test and echocardiogram from Lanna Hospital were in normal patterns,and the Holter did not show any abnormality,it is not in the guidelines to do further investigation.
Regular exercise,
Avoid tea/cofee
Regular check up

But i don't understand.... i mean i'm obviously happy that there's nothing major going on since all the tests came back normal but i definitly had pause between beat this morning and it absolutely freaked me out. What does that even mean? it's obviously benign since they say everything is normal but could it be pvc/pac and they didn't mention it?
I mean i'm not crazy lol, i really felt pause between my beat with extra beats. I'm just wondering what can this be?

Alot of time when i'm in a situation with adrenaline involved (sex, masturbation, lifting weight, etc) it start to skip and if i'm nervous outside on the road, heartbeat go to 140-180 and it pause and skip every 2-3 beats... i don't understand.

I've noticed that sometimes, my breathing pattern isn't good. All my life until 16 years old, i was breathing in and out from my mouth. After my first panic attack (in 2004 when i was 16) i kinda 'learned' to breathe in from nose and out from mouth. I've noticed recently that when i'm very nervous, i don't breathe out all the air (i keep alot inside). Can this be the cause of the feeling i'm experiencing?
Anyway thanks all
Thanks all

06-07-15, 12:48
You have to bear in mind that during a typical day a person may experience a number of very normal, completely harmless ectopics or other occasional benign heart rhythms. The fact that they don't list all the events out in their results letter doesn't mean they didn't take place. It simply means that if they have been recorded, they are normal and are not a cause for any concern.

Some people, especially those who may have a bit of anxiety, can be extremely sensitive or aware of their heart beat and can become concerned about palpitations and harmless skipped/extra beats that many people get but may not be as aware of it. In fact the additional stress may even bring them on but some people simply are just more susceptible to them. It does not mean that those people are more prone to heart attack or cardiac arrest of other problems.

Holter monitor ECG data is anaylsed by extremely sophisticated software that can identify abnormal and dangerous arrhythmias with incredible accuracy and so if there was anything to be concerned about it would certainly have been identified. If you contact your Dr I'm certain they would probably agree to go in to more detail if you wanted - and I would always consider discussing it with your Dr if you do have follow up questions. There is often a report that is generated that lists or tally's any events that have taken place, including the harmless ectopics.

But have faith in the fact that the recordings and the analysis that goes in to looking in to the results is very advanced.

06-07-15, 20:21
Thanks for your answer.

So it's possible to have palpitation (in my case it's when i have a panic attack, my heart rate goes up (around 140-160) and every 2-3 beats, the heart pause and start again) without it being an arhytmia? i thought arhytmia were disturbance of the heart.

But i know that when i went to the hospital (during these panic attack) by the time i was there the skipping beats stopped but the rhythm and the speed were the same and they told me that it was beating normally but fast (sinus tachycardia).

But at least i'm re-assured that it's nothing dangerous..


07-07-15, 09:20
Hi there

Well, "arrhythmia" is a fairly catch-all phrase, and it includes a large number of different types of heartbeats and rhythm patters - only some of which would be considered dangerous. And the medical dictionary definition of arrhythmia probably does include things like PVCs/PACs/Ectopics etc as well as tachycardias, bradycardias, fibrillation and so on. However in my experience cardilogists tend not to use the phrase "arrhythmia" when refering to ectopics or "extra beats" as that would probably make them sound more dangerious or serious than they are.

The thing with some of the harmless so called "one-off" beats is that in reality they can actually present not just singularly (which will often go unnoticed) but also one after the other in close succession, in what are called couplets or triplets (and even more sometimes) and it is these sequencial beats that can often cause someone to start noticing the palpitations/flutters.

However even when these beats come as couplets or triplets, they are still harmless most of the time. They just feel much more noticable when the occur one after the other like that. Even if some of these were captured on your Holter, it doesn't surprise me that your results wouldn't mention them, as they really are quite normal, common and benign - even if you get a few of them happening in a row.

EDIT - I notice that the results message you recieved mentions that you can go and collect the "permanent report" from the cardiac care unit. I suggest you do go and get this, as that may be the detailed hotler monitor anaysis report, so that might well show a tally of the various beats that were seen. You can then ask the cardiologist any specific questions you might have.