View Full Version : Blood pressure and flutters

06-07-15, 09:10
Every time I go to the doctors my blood pressure is always high because I have health anxiety and am so scared of doctors and hospitals. I was in hospital for a week after giving birth they wouldn't let me home because my blood pressure was so high I had 2 ecgs which where fine, they finally let me home and sent a nurse round to check my bp and it was normal. But recently I've been so stressed I keep thinking my blood pressure is high I can't relax I get tension headaches and pressure in my nose not sure if that's due to my muscles being tence, I get heart flutters a lot and it scares me so much. I don't no if my blood pressure is normal or not

18-07-15, 08:07
Hi Shelly,

I totally understand where you're coming from. I have undiagnosed health anxiety and worry about the smallest thing that its something serious and with doctors and nurses and hospital visits etc..I am not surprised you are stressed out about it.

I am just trying to find alternative routes that may be of help. Such as yoga, healthy eating etc. Sounds really like you need time for yourself, you should get a nice bath and watch a nice movie. I try to do that, sometimes it does help other times not so much.

Hope you'll feel better