View Full Version : I can't take this anymore.

06-07-15, 10:11
So yesterday I posted about the fact that I could feel a lump/bump by my bone under my jaw about 1 CM in from the base of the bone. This lump/bump hasn't changed since I have noticed it Saturday night but I am still extremely worried about it.
A few of people on this site said that its probably just a lymph node, I understand that is probably the case but that fact that it is hard, painless and fixed is sending me in to a state of panic. I have a lymph node above my adams apple that was looked at last week and the Doctor isn't worried about, he also checked in the area that I have noticed this current lump/bump but didn't say anything about feeling it.
I am worried, really worried I have spoken to my mom and asked her to feel it she says that she can't feel anything. I can't see it when I look in the mirror which I guess is a good thing as it means it's not overly large. However this doesn't make me feel any better. I like have said it's hard, fixed, painless and about the size a pea which to me spells only one thing.

I am sorry for posting again I just need to put my mind at rest.

06-07-15, 11:27
I am certain it is a lymph node dont worry and dont touch it or prod it we all have them just sometimes they get bigger when feeling under the weather,

06-07-15, 12:49
I don't what a forum could do to reassure you that hasn't been said by your doctor or in the previous thread. I'm not one for feeding the dragon but if you're that concerned, go back to your doctor. He already felt the area and didn't find anything which indicates to me you're digging deep to feel it. One doesn't need to poke and prod to find a node of concern I assure you. More than likely it's a normal "pea" sized node or a natural part of your anatomy.

Positive thoughts

06-07-15, 16:19
Thank you for the reply's I have decided that I will go and see my doctor and have him check them tomorrow. I am trying not to touch them for now as I know I will only worry, I understand that it is more than likely nothing just me over reacting to something that I found when digging around. I will add that I didn't go digging to far just about a CM in from the base of my jaw.
I hope that my doctor can put my mind at rest, I am planning on asking him to check me over for swellings so that I know I don't have to do it as it has already been done.

Thanks again guys.