View Full Version : I'm not lazy I just can't store mental or physical energy!

06-07-15, 10:57
Why am I constantly fatigues in some way be it mentally to the point it physically hurts to think or physically I just can't walk in that weak.

I always feel totally lathargic after I digest something be it a swig of juice or a meal at meal time - it in turn effects or can trigger all my symtems in terms of cognition power head pain blurred vision, I woke feeling like crap despite feeling like I had a solid night sleep I felt that i could sleep for another day, my head felt foggy and switched off but as usual got up and got ready & took my little girl school - it's a horrible feeling like I'm on manual and can't process anything -
I barley had the energy to make it home literally 200 metres away.
I've just been sat with my wife and little boy trying my best to get out this horrible state I feel in - I had a bowl of weetabix and within 2 minutes I need to sleep again literally could just fall to the floor, my cognition has lifted but I feel so tired.

I'm eating healthy drinking plenty of water and actually had a ok couple of days from how bad I usually feel - the only thing I done different yesterday that usual is eat pasta at lunch, didn't go out just done some house work & rest,
So why on earth do I feel terrible again!

Didn't realise a stressful event can course so much horrible problems to the body! Wish it didn't happen, or it it even related to that was it a sudden change in diet and lifestyle for me.
Cognition problems
Fatigue - Mental & physical
Memory problems and processing
Nerve pain
Eating and drinking problems
Stomach pains
Neck cracking stiffness and pain
Severe weight loss on legs and arms but not belly and chest

Connection to thoughts and memory and cognition is my wort as I can't escape them it's my perception I'm stuck mentally feeling like this it's tiring and upsetting, feels like my brand switched off and I have no mental energy.

Thinking of getting allergey testing.

My wife's mums bf just found out he has cancer of the liver not from drink but from eating to much gluten!! - it's scaring me as I feel what I'm going through had to have a course and it's not me being anxious