View Full Version : Smelling strange smells

06-07-15, 11:28
For the past two weeks or so I have been smelling strange smells no one else smells. Primarily sulphur. The sensation never last more 5 or 10 seconds. Of course these are one of the symptoms of a brain tumour. I am freaking out! The sensation seems as if it is coming down from my head. Rather than up my nose.

I had a brain MRI almost a year ago they found lesions, plague in the brain the neurologist called it. It happens to most of us at old age. I just seem to get mine now.

Does anyone else get these symptoms?

06-07-15, 11:36
I can't say as I know about smell in relation to physical issues but I'm sure you will get some responses to that. But I wanted to post a thread I posted about how smells change when we are anxious:


Noxious smells are a possibility with the fight or flight response according to the studies in that thread. We wouldn't think this but it has been proven.

Gary A
06-07-15, 12:34
Have you spoken to a doctor about this?

It's true that olfactory hallucinations can be caused by a brain tumour, but that's probably the most rare cause.

You mention having "lesions" on the brain. I'm just wondering, did your neuroligist ever say there was a risk of partial epilepsy associated with these lesions? Granted, 5-10 seconds is a very very short time for siezure activity, most partial siezures last about 1-2 minutes, but this is quite a common symptom of partial siezures and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if your already existing condition could be causing some rogue electrical firing in the olfactory region of the brain.

It also, of course, could simply be a sensory misperception caused by your anxiety, and I would say this is the more likely cause given that this symptom lasts for such a brief period of time, but I think it would be wise to at least consult your doctor about this.

I don't think its a tumour, at worst its partial siezures caused by the brain lesions you already have, but go to your doctor for a definitive diagnosis.

09-07-15, 18:35
So I went to see the GP today. About the phantom smells and I am to be referred by to neurology after being discharged in January and for no further investigation to be considered.

At the moment I am worried because think she this particular GP is a very unpleasant person and I don't think she cares as like about any of her patients. She tends to people like it is a job and not a vocation. My fears were not listened to and I felt dismissed even when I suggestion for me to go to both ENT and the neurology.

So the fear begins again, in earnest. Looked at Dr Google and things don't look to rosy for me. Brain tumour or Alzheimers.

Gary A
09-07-15, 21:50
But you're being referred to neurology. In what way is that "no further investigation"?

Quite the contrary, it seems.

09-07-15, 22:07
I was discharged from neurology in January but my GP has referred me back to the consultant that saw me in January. Not particularly happy about this but it's what I got.

Gary A
09-07-15, 22:15
So if you don't mind me asking, what exactly were you looking for? I strongly suspected that you'd be referred to neurology based on your symptoms and previous diagnosis, I honestly can't fathom why you're surprised and disappointed.

10-07-15, 06:39
Disappointed? Surprised? I am neither. I am scared of outcome of this new investigation of my new symptoms.

The neurologist I saw in January was not bothered. I had an abnormality and they didn't inform me until four months after my scan last July. I received my medical report from my January appointment yesterday. I have been referred to the same neurologist.

10-07-15, 09:25
I would ask to be referred to a different neurologist.

Gary A
10-07-15, 12:36
I understand that you're concerned, but what you have is a neuroligical symptom, it warrants investigation by a neurologist. Obviously when you went last they investigated and found nothing of concern, you've since developed new symptoms and they need evaluating.

I genuinely believe your new symptoms are a by-product of your initial diagnosis. If this is the case then I think it's very sensible to be sent to the neurologist who diagnosed you in the first place.