View Full Version : The people that suffer health anxiety can you tell me if your partner is supportive?

06-07-15, 11:58
Because my partner totally isn't I went to someone's house last night sitting having a cuppa my arm started hurting really bad along the inside of my arm obvious what we all no about left arm pain well the ambulance came out my heart rate wouldn't go down even thou it didn't feel like it was going fast I was sick twice both while crew was there and ecg showed abnormal so off I went had the usual done now I have to have a heart scan.
My partner isn't talking with me now and has a serious mood in didn't ask how I was or nothing just ANXIETY we have been here here (nearly 3 years ago ) 😭.

06-07-15, 12:11
My wife is very supportive

06-07-15, 12:57
My wife is very supportive

Your very lucky then x

06-07-15, 13:18
My husband is supportive, but he also doesn't awlays know when I'm having my anxiety, I tend to keep it to myself.

06-07-15, 13:43
My husband is wonderful. He misses the logical person I used to be according to him. However he says that even if I never beat the HA he will stand by me. I know he means it toom :)

---------- Post added at 22:13 ---------- Previous post was at 22:12 ----------

Toom? Goodness. Too of course. Lol

06-07-15, 14:53
My boyfriend is so incredibly supportive.
He always encourages me to tell him everything at any time but also says its best for me to try and figure things out on my own so when he cant get to me or talk to me I can learn to cope.
He seemingly never gets upset or annoyed no matter how silly or stupid the thing is and either reassures me or tells me in a kind way that I'm being silly.
He tries to formulate plans at what we can do to help fix things.

I honestly have no idea how such a person exists and can put up with me but he does!

06-07-15, 15:03
My partner is generally very understanding and supportive, occasionaly when he's fed up of hearing me he will say THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!!!

06-07-15, 15:22
Was your heart ok by the way?

06-07-15, 15:48
My fiance is supportive in the fact that he will run back and forth with me to the doctors, but I tend to say I don't feel well a lot and it annoy him because a lot of things we used to do we don't do any more. We used to go out for drinks but since this started I stopped drinking and he's constantly trying to convince me to have a drink, and when I say no I can tell it bothers him. So I guess I would say he's semi supportive

06-07-15, 16:11
My mrs is around 30% supportive but she gets so fed up with me goin on saying please look at this mole or that mole etc, has it changed and she is fed up of it, Which i suppose i would be, They just think you are mad sometimes as shes so strong and brave she aint scared about operations doctors dentist nothing and never had anxiety where as im scared of it all lol ,

06-07-15, 16:25
Yes and no for me, it's gotten to the point over the last month that I think she is starting to understand that I have a problem and unlike her I worry to much. She always checks when I ask her to, but my constant babbling does sometimes seem to anger her as we don't see each other much due to Work and Uni.

All that said however she never tells me to shut up and goes with me to the hospital if I am very worried, she yells at me when I sit there messing with my lumps and bumps. She is rather good with me on a whole, but I don't think she knows how bad I am when I am alone and the fact that sometimes I have made my self cry with worry.

06-07-15, 18:21
My partner is usually very understanding. When I have a panic attack or I fear I have an illness, say appendicitis when its obvious I don't because I am not doubled up in pain, it must just be a bug instead or something, he is very supportive and calms me down. He brings me back to Earth if you know what I mean.

07-07-15, 00:55
My partner has not been supportive and when I had a bout of 8 weeks in hospital I believe he came to see me twice. We were due to be celebrating our 7 year anniversary on Monday but sadly enough is enough and we have separated and I am moving out. I don't know how I will cope and no doubt my anxiety is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. I would say to all of you that have a supportive partner hold on to them as healthy anxiety is a lonely place to be but it's even worse when you have someone in your life who doesn't show any support or reassurance.

HA is ruining my life and I just want yo find my old self

07-07-15, 04:33
Laura you will be ok. You may find that your anxiety improves when you are away from your partner. In all honesty he doesn't sound very supportive and it could be that his lack of understanding makes your anxiety worse.

07-07-15, 08:18
Agree with Swaaj x

07-07-15, 11:29
Been married 35 years. Its only in the last 4-5 years that I would say my husband is much better at handling my health anxiety but thats probably because I am much better as well!
He would get very frustrated and angry with me for panicking about every symptom and going on and on and on because he didn't know how to help or if he could help. I totaly understand as someone in the throws of health anxiety is totally irrational and nothing anyone does or says seems to help.
A few years ago I had a good talk about it and we decided that instead of me panicking and constantly verbally worrying I would tell him what I was worrying about and we would come up with a plan of action and then I would keep my mouth shut:)
He said the most annoying part of health anxiety is the constant need to talk about whatever is worrying the person and despite reassurance or sympathy the sufferer just cannot stop talking about it and this would at times make him lose his temper with me.
Now I try my very best to notice if I start doing this and stop - not eary at all but necessary.

07-07-15, 11:38
I have been married for 43 years and have been like this with HA for most of them. My husband does not really understand it and I try to avoid telling him if I can. I have friends that are brilliant and one in particular, who was a nurse, and will usually get me out of it. When my husband finds out that I have had an extra trip to the GP or to have my breasts checked by my friend, he does go into an awful mood but comes out of it after a few hours and I never feel that he will leave me. There have been times when he has been supportive but it depends on the symptoms.

Well done to you Countrygirl for finding a way through it with your husband. All the best to you Laura for the future. I agree that you will be better when you are on your own. Worrying how your partner will react only adds to the anxiety.

07-07-15, 14:58
He is yes, but he does get sick of me asking him to check my mole for the 10th time that day.

He has bipolar so we both support each other, but doesn't mean we don't get a bit tired of it at times.