View Full Version : Terrified and weak.

06-07-15, 12:19
Is this really all anxiety and depression? I feel extremely weak, and I don't think it's perceived weakness because I really can't move as much as I could before. I've been very very anxious these past few months, almost for a full year now actually, and I feel like my symptoms are only getting worse. Recently me and my girlfriend broke up, so I've been super depressed about that and even more anxious. I feel like I can't even run a few steps without being out of breath. I've had no other really specific symptoms, I've just been super lethargic and out of breath. Tired all the time, lazy, and hardly hungry. It's starting to freak me out a lot.

06-07-15, 12:30
Yes, these can totally be symptoms of anxiety and depression, most likely are.
But if you're not feeling hungry maybe you could go to get some bloods done, see if you are low in iron or something as this can also cause fatigue.
Are you doing anything to help with the anxiety and depression? Hugs x

06-07-15, 12:33
Not much I can do. My doctor is in Michigan, and I just moved to Indiana. I usually lose my appetite when my anxiety is high, but I just feel like it keeps getting worse when it happens. Can depression and such cause ACTUAL physical weakness/lethargy though? I've always been told it was perceived. The whole out of breath thing is really what's worrying me, I keep thinking it's a heart problem or lung cancer or something, but I'm only 20 and haven't been coughing or anything.

07-07-15, 02:15
I seriously can't even run around my block without being super out of breath.

07-07-15, 06:41
Sound like anxiety but it wouldn't hurt to get a blood test, however the more you think about being lethargic the more lethargic you will feel. Perhaps planning a day of going out and having fun will help you.