View Full Version : Panic attacks related to NES(non epileptic seizures)??

06-07-15, 16:54
I had a panic attack out of the blue last night, and the shaking started off as normal, and then rapidly became uncontrollable. My entire bed was shaking and literally hitting the wall whilst my boyfriend and my mother were comforting me/holding me because I was shaking so badly. Usually I can somewhat snap out of the shaking, but it was..well..uncontrollable. I am so scared that it will happen again, I only have attacks like this every month or so. And they are never as bad as last nights. I was throwing up a lot also, which usually happens when I have an attack. I told my mum I felt like I was having a seizure, and she told me it was unlikely because I wouldn't be able to talk if I was having a seizure. But this morning she was asking around and looking into non epileptic seizures(often mistaken by doctors for anxiety symptoms) she said it's quite likely and that she would have to call an ambulance if I ever got in that state again. It was horrible for everyone to see, I resulted to taking a phenigan to knock me out, and I was going in and out of consciousness and slurring and what I was saying wasn't making any sense at all. I am going to see my doctor, but I'm pretty sure she will tell me it was anxiety. And I really can't deal with it again. Not many people have anxiety to the extent that I do, does anyone else shake uncontrollably all over to the point where it's like having a seizure? Or any other symptoms I mentioned? I feel so alone, nobody can relate to me. And something's telling me it's not anxiety. :weep: