View Full Version : Lung damage fears. So scared.

06-07-15, 17:07
This might be a new one to a lot of people on here but for the last couple of years, I have been crushing magnesium tablets and putting them into water to swallow, because they are too big to swallow whole. I have recently become totally paranoid that the dust from the pill (containing a small amount of silicon dioxide) has gone into my lungs and has caused damage! Have spoken to two doctors about this and they say I'm being paranoid and my lungs sound totally clear but I can't help thinking about it. I cough in the mornings and feel short of breath but this is a major symptom of my anxiety. This is driving me nuts.
Can anyone relate or offer me some reassurance?


Gary A
06-07-15, 17:37
The dust won't go into your lungs because you're drinking the water, not breathing. If you were concerned about the dust going into your lungs, you should actually be more concerned about the water drowning you!

Of course, the body has ways of keeping fluid out of the lungs when you're drinking, so not only are you being a bit silly by thinking this could even cause damage, what you're worried about is actually physically impossible.

06-07-15, 17:47
Thanks Gary,

I appreciate what you're saying but the dust would be airborne, on top of the water and I would suck in that air before the water touched my lips.
I realise how ridiculous it may sound..

06-07-15, 17:50
Gotta agree with Gary here. You inhale more "stuff" just walking around inside and outside than the totally insignificant and frankly impossible scenario you're concerned with. Do you realize how much dust and other things we're all just breathing in on a daily basis?

Positive thoughts

06-07-15, 18:08
I do realise that but it's not ordinary dust I'm concerned about, it's the silicon dioxide in the tablet which can lead to scarring of the lungs if inhaled.

06-07-15, 18:54
I do realise that but.....

With all due respect. I understand how you're in a spiral of fear about this but the only thing wrong here is a case of the "Yeah But's". You've been given reassurance by two medical professionals and responses here saying the same thing. There's is no chance whatsoever of this causing any issue.

Positive thoughts