View Full Version : Did my High Blood Pressure tablets send me into shear panic

06-07-15, 18:07
I have suffered with "anxiety" for many years, starting with a fear of meetings at work which then cascaded into public places especially school halls where I was closed in, shops but also at home etc. I had a severe panic attack at work 5 years ago, hospitalised for a week, after suffering a bad kidney infection. Since then I have woken with anxiety most mornings, some times this would improve throughout the day. I have come to accept this putting it down to possible PMT, (I am 53), high blood pressure, or any illness that I can blame. I have tried AD pills, CBT, counselling, hypnotism, etc all appear to make me feel a little better at that time but it always comes back. Last week I went to the Drs to get a few lumps checked out, my blood pressure went sky high and I was prescribed a higher dosage to that I am already taking. I have had high blood pressure for 13 years. I even try to blame these pills for my anxiety. After taking the higher dosage on the third day felt the anxiety had come back with vengeance, feeling awful all day. Following a night of intermittent sleep, I got up feeling confused, dreading the world, frightened, dizzy and on checking my blood pressure it was even higher. Has anyone else suffered panic over taking high blood pressure pills or could this simply be side effects of a high dose, my partner now thinks I am getting paranoid as I am having dreadful thoughts of "what if" because I always believe the worse IS going to happen, driving I am nervous. I am pretty sure that I have Health Anxiety I am convinced that any small lump, bump or pain is going to kill me and I have an awful fear of dying and cannot look forward to life, cant even bear to book a holiday or invite friends over. Why??? I know this is just a really bad attack and I WILL get through it, but I am exhausted, tired, lonely, frightened and find sharing it helps enormously.

07-07-15, 02:26
You said you try to blame the pills for your anxiety, could it be you actually have a panic association with your medication?

I was recently put on blood pressure medication after developing pre-eclampsia and I'd always feel "funny" after taking my pills but soon realised it was actually my anxiety as I've always been dodgy with new medication. I also have the same panic association with harmless acid tablets. It's so bad that even taking one sends me into a panic attack so I can't take them at all.

If you're panicking, your blood pressure naturally goes higher which is probably why your BP was up when you took it when you were experiencing those symptoms.

It's probably a good idea to see your GP and ask for some help with your anxiety/panic attacks, there's no need to suffer with no help. Maybe ask them to review your medication too, tell them your symptoms and ask if they're possible side effects of your medication and not just anxiety, if they are, ask if your medication can be switched as they obviously don't agree with you.

Feel better soon.

07-07-15, 04:29
No they didn't. Your anxiety about taking them did.