View Full Version : Scared I'm Hallucinating upon waking, PLEASE HELP! what is happening to me?

06-07-15, 18:13
Hi I really need help,

This morning upon waking I swear I saw a grey cat... it was like translucent and see through. I knew that this cat wasn't actually there as it disappeared in three seconds. The whole experience is a blur now, it happened just upon opening my eyes to I think it may have been a hypnopompic hallucination? But how can I be sure? I swear I am becoming schizophrenic... why else would I hallucinate? I don't know what to do- no one believes me or cares. Because I have health anxiety my mom and my boyfriend think that I am just making it all up as usual. I'm so done with this, I don't want to tell my doctor because he will think I am going crazy and put me on a bunch of drugs with horrible side effects... I'm so lost... there is nothing I can do...

06-07-15, 19:40
That's totally normal - both me and my wife can see things when nodding off and waking up... Especially when stressed!

I had a terrifying one in the dark when I swear an old woman in a nightie walked across the room, stepped up onto the bed and was reaching down for me.

Saw her real as day, I was awake, she was in the room - next moment, my wife is telling me to calm down, trying to work out why I was suddenly freaking out in bed at 3am!

I sometimes wake up convinced spiders, wolves, our cat are in the room, see them for 10 seconds and then they're gone!

It's just your sleeping and waking minds overlapping and being hyper vigilant.

Saying you must be becoming schizophrenic because you saw something when tired is a bit of a leap in logic...

06-07-15, 20:57
Hi Spuknikmoon,

Thank you for your reply... I tend to get irrational when I am panicking.

It was just very scary and I have always had a fear of developing schizophrenia. So this case in particular is scary for me. Were you completely awake when this happened? Eyes open? This occurred for me within in the first minutes of being awake... but I was awake... this is what scares me :weep: I am trying to believe that this is not anything psychotic but right now I can't seem to feel okay.

06-07-15, 21:10
Yea, totally. I'm awake and "think" I'm perfectly lucid... Then I just see something that looks completely real for a good 5-20 seconds... Then I snap out of it :p

Probably happens about 6 times a year and usually in phases, were it'd happen a few times for a couple of weeks, then nothing for months...

06-07-15, 23:28
Hey, Spunikmoon,

Wow, that is interesting, this has never happened to me before now... I am so scared by it because I have had a long time fear of developing schizophrenia.

Did you ask a doctor about it? or were you able to accept it as just a normal occurrence? I did not go back to sleep after this, but it only lasted for like 3 seconds.

07-07-15, 06:09

Its completely normal and explained in terms of hypnogogia & hypnopompia.

If you were experiencing potential hallucinations outside of these two states then you may have an issue to discuss with your doctor. Seeing things or hearing things in these 2 states can happen to anyone, irrespective of anxiety or depression, and are quite common.

Do you think your work possibly affects you here? If so, is there some occupational support or psychological supervision for employees because they may see this and have ways to support you through it?

07-07-15, 19:36
Hi Terry,

I guess what worries me is that I felt like I was awake when it happened... not in a "dream state" My eyes were open, I wasn't in sleep paralysis. I am both a psychology student and a support work for people with schizophrenia... so basically my entire life revolves around helping people with mental illness and studying mental illness. So I think that you are right, this combination definitely puts schizophrenia on my mind allot...
I saw little bright dots the other day when I was wide awake in the afternoon, but I don't know if these are floaters or not? I just feel really freaked out lately.

I hope all of these weird occurrences go away soon. I was so over this fear before this weird hallucination stuff happened.

Thank you for your input