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View Full Version : Anyone else study with The Open Uni?

06-07-15, 18:48
Just wondering if anyone is studying with them? I was studying at college 3 years ago when my panic attacks started out the blue and I quit due to them. I was studying biomedical sciences and didn't want to give up my education completely so I've been studying with OU ever since. I am currently studying BSc (hons) Biology. Its hard work, especially since you do most of the work on your own.

I've been with OU since 2013 and I've never been well enough (anxiety/panic wise) to attend the monthly day classes held at my local uni but I am determined to go this year.

Just wondering if anyone else studies with this uni or has done in the past or plans to in the future :)

06-07-15, 22:49
I studied with OU but it was about 15 years ago.

07-07-15, 12:26
Yeh i did a social science course with the OU,

I never went to any classes either. I seem to recall there being forums and some weird chat software for the students to communicate on ?
It was a while ago now but if they still do that it might be a good stepping stone between where you are and attending a real class with them.

I spoke to my tutor on the phone a few times thats about it.

Yeh its hard doing it alone. Id procrastinate all month then cram for my essay in the final week :blush:
Passed though. Really interesting course.

07-07-15, 13:52
I would love to, but too expensive for me :(

I do free online courses though... if any one is interested take a look here www.vision2learn.com (https://www.vision2learn.com) the courses are fully online and free (you only have to pay an administration cost IF you do not finish the course) and you come out with a certificate and something to put on your cv.

I am currently doing an IT course and am enjoying it... Nic (nomorepanic) is doing an bussiness admin course with them and is finding it a long hard slog.

but it is something to think about if you are stuck at home with anxiety or agoraphobia etc.... makes you feel at least like you are doing something to better yourself

08-07-15, 17:36
Its annoying how a lot of people seem to dismiss the OU as not a 'real uni'. I've had so many people ask if I study there because 'I'm too thick for a brick uni' or things like tat. Really annoys me. At least employers really respect OU.

20-08-15, 12:46
Any tips for staying on track while studying with OU? I have studied with them before and found it hard at times to remain on track. The work load is usually ok but I find it hard to keep up as easy as I would at a brick uni or college since there I would have a rigid timetable and classes to stick to and I find it so easy to get distracted or side tracked with OU since I don't have a rigid timetable or classes. I feel like if I miss one day of studying or work I should do for OU, I have fell behind with a months worth to catch up with, if that makes sense?

I love my degree choice and the modules I do and the ones I have coming up sound great but I am so easily distracted and I want this to be my best year yet.