View Full Version : I might have melanoma - have to wait 2 months by Doc orders for reexamination

06-07-15, 20:42
I have a mole that may or may not be melanoma, and the doc said we should see if it changed in 2 months.

When I asked if it was dangerous, she said it's only dangerous if we don't watch it.

However, I found this passage on the internet: "There should be a low threshold for excision in changing atypical naevi that are elevated, because of rapid growth and relatively poor prognosis of nodular melanoma." Source: http://www.dermnetnz.org/doctors/der...cal-naevi.html

She said it's mildly elevated.

How am I supposed to not panic, being a health worrier, while I have to wait 2 whole months before finding out if I have cancer? And what if it's too late by then because it's nodular?

Please help before I go mad. I actually went to the bottle tonight after the doc visit. Bad decision, I know, but it keeps me going for this evening...

06-07-15, 21:21
No doctor would tell you to wait 2 months, for reexaimnation, Surely, It either is or could be or is not, Id suggest going to another doctor and put your mind at ease

06-07-15, 21:31
Same advice, I would go to another doc. Apart from the sooner the better for having moles removed (I have a friend with 2 cancerous moles removed, she is fine). But aside from that there is no reason to be anxiously waiting for 2 months.

06-07-15, 21:45
For what it's worth....

The doctor examined you and obviously found nothing alarming. By asking to come back in two months to see if there's any change, she's doing as she should. Do you really think if she thought it was concerning you would be told to wait?

In your mind is the fear that it could be melanoma. Dr Google has poured gasoline on that fear. In her mind, it's not and she'll follow up. If there's no change then there's no reason to pursue it.

Do what you want but I believe your doctor is doing exactly the right thing.

Positive thoughts