View Full Version : Still having HA after my doctor doubled my prozac

06-07-15, 21:36
So I was taking 40mg of Prozac my doctor raised my Prozac to 80mg. I'm still terrified that I have bulbular onset of ALS. I feel like I'm slurring my speech even though my family says I'm not. I feel like I can't move my tongue side to side in a fast motion anymore. I know I'm crazy, right? Im also having excessive salvia or at least feels like I am and I feel like I'm having to force myself to speak. This has been going on for three months now and I'm sick of it. I'm only 19 years old btw.

06-07-15, 21:50
In people under 25, it is not called bulbar ALS and is instead called Fazio Londe, which has a life expectancy of 10+ years and it can actually be treated. However there has been less than 100 cases of Fazio Londe since it has been first described and it is inherited, so you have literally no chance of having it!

I also have had a fear of ALS, due to my gagging on liquids.

I 100% believe there is nothing seriously wrong with you, maybe get a doctor to refer you to a specialist to reassure you?

06-07-15, 22:47
I thought Stephen Hawkings had bulbar onset and wasn't he only like 21?

07-07-15, 06:59
He started with tripping over and then a year or so later had slurred speech, I think he could eat and drink for quite a few years after his diagnosis

07-07-15, 07:38
Unfortunatley Prozac on it's own will not cure the health anxiety. Have you been offered any therapy? If not there is free CBT therapy available, you do have to work at it but it is effective.

If you think logically, chances of you having something quite rare that your doctor has not picked up on compared to the chances of you suffering from anxiety?

Tests will only re-assure you for a short time.

07-07-15, 12:49
@Elen Isn't point of taking antidepressants like Prozac to help you think more rationally and thus stop HA? 80mg is quite high dosage.

And to original poster...you definitely don't have that disease, try to accept it.

10-07-15, 21:29
Im still struggling and I have totally convinced myself I have it. I have never had HA this bad before. Does it ever end?

10-07-15, 22:22
It's funny how when I read your post it's pretty clear for me and I can say with 100% certainty that you don't have ALS...it's probably similar story when some1 reads some of my posts.

Anyway...it will end if you start working on your anxiety issues...therapy if you can, medication if necessary, exercise for sure.

11-07-15, 01:34
I'm just terrified to let my guard down. My tongue and mouth feels heavy and weird, I feel like at any moment I'm going to start slurring. Like I've always had this fear that I was going to die young I think it stems from my mother passing 6 years ago.