View Full Version : Convinced myself I have Lymphoma!

07-07-15, 01:46
I could not help myself, I done the worse thing possible and I googled 'What do Lymphoma itch feel like' as as you know I have been worry about lymph nodes and I have had itchy skin.

In 2011 I was diagnosed with guttage psoriasis due to stress(I did not have HA at his point), It has started to come back the last few months in red sort of cuts ont the bottom of my legs and buttocks. After my idiotic search on google, I came across an article of someone who had lymphoma, they said they had itchty skin and red itchy flakes on the bottoms of their legs, exactly like I have!

I am convinced I have got lymphoma, I have 3 pea sized movable nodes in my neck which I have posted about before, but now after reading what I did I am convinced it is not psoriasis and is infact a symptom of lymphoma, im trying to calm myself down but its late and no one is up to talk to so i thought i would come here, im trying to convince myself I dont have it as I have no night sweats, weight loss and the lumps are not big and hard. But after reading about the red cuts/marks on the legs like i have I just cant get think about anything else!

Also these cuts on my legs and buttocks, them themselves have stopped itching as I have been using a cream and it has made them go down, if it was cancer would they go down and stop itching?

07-07-15, 02:06
Hi, I really don't think you have lymphoma. Your lymph nodes sound completely normal. I have enlarge d nodes as well and the doctor said if they are small and moveable, then it's nothing to worry about. Almost everyone has some enlarged lymph nodes. And you are right, if it were cancer the cuts would not have gone down by using cream. Don't google and try to relax:)

07-07-15, 02:07
I don't know much about Lymphoma, but I know my fair share about Health Anxiety.

I'm probably not going to give you the medical advice you're craving but didn't want to read and run as I know how lonely Health Anxiety can make you feel, especially at 2am on a Tuesday morning.

You need to stop using Google for medical related reasons. It's never going to tell you anything good. If you're worried about Lymphoma, you need to talk to your GP. Real doctors are the only people who will ever even have a chance at putting your mind at rest. You can Google til your fingers fall off in the hope to find something to reassure you, but all you're going to find is something to set you off even more.

The only reassurance I can give you as I'm not even close to being a doctor, is that it's far, far more likely to NOT be lymphoma than it is to actually be it. Health Anxiety can convince us we have anything and everything. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and blow the breath out whilst consciously relaxing all your muscles. Choose to let the scary thoughts go for tonight, tell yourself you'll book a doctors appointment in the morning, put on a funny film or your favourite TV show and let it all go for now.

07-07-15, 15:25
Thank you both the replies, I managed to calm myself down last night but this morning and afternoon at work it has come back on, I am booking a drs appointment tomorrow just to reassure myself.

I am now just focusing on the psoriasis on the bottom part of my leg and buttocks, I've been taking cold baths and using cream and the itching has completely gone and it has dried up alot over the past few weeks but ever since that article on the internet I am an utter mess over it!

I am trying to think positive 'My psoriasis flares up when I am stressed, my anxiety is making me stressed out' but I cant budge that 'what if' thought!