View Full Version : Help Please- Night Sweats

07-07-15, 09:21

I am new hear! I suffer with anxiety and generally think I am dying most of the time! hear it is- I finally decided enough was enough and saw my doctor who gave me sertraline. They have worked and calmed me down but I still think that underlying issues of all sorts are in me!

reading this forum has really helped but I have come across the leukaemia posts and I am now worried about this as I suffer with night time sweats. sorry for TMI but hear are the details.

they are not all the time they are quite hear and there and to be honest when it happens I generally get a sweaty lower head at my hair line/neck and really sweaty in between my breasts!

I have also started to notice little red blood spots on my chest and tummy which I have also read is a symptom.

please can anyone put my mind at rest? I am actually so fed up of constantly thinking I am dying. It is ruining my life! I used to be so happy and this all came out of no where :-(

Thank you x

07-07-15, 09:27
Sertraline can cause night sweats

07-07-15, 10:02
You dont have leukemia, Like the above said seratine can cause night sweats , and the little red spots your on about on your body are fine , And theres 10s and 10s of diff symptoms that can be linked to different things, But because your anxiety is high you worry and think of the worse things, Rather than thinking tablets im on are causing sweats, Your thinking omg im in late stage cancer with night sweats . enjoy your life and stop worrying:yesyes:

07-07-15, 10:12
Thank you for your honesty. I am terrified I am dying and I just want o feel normal again. I cant get over how quickly this anxiety has come over me and consumed my whole world.

07-07-15, 11:01
Its horrible its the sense of fear of the unknown and bein scared to die and leave things un looked at and dieing a horrible death its more like a ocd i recently been refered for cbt have my first meeting 13th of july u should ask ur doctor to be refered for cbt therapy its ment to be good for health anxiety

07-07-15, 11:16
thank you I think I will try that

07-07-15, 18:29
I've been on zoloft and now on lexapro. Both cause night sweats. And it's not every night. But when I get it, my pj's and sheets are completely drenched and I'm actually cold. Not hot. It's really uncomfortable and annoying. But, I'd rather have that than the rampant anxiety any day.

07-07-15, 19:36
If you need a laugh - I also get occasional night time sweats. Also around the back of my head and between my breasts. And...I'm not on any meds - and I'm a guy :)

07-07-15, 21:12
Lol frenchy!! :D

08-07-15, 19:22
I just had a night sweat last night that I'm really worried about. I'm not on any medication and it was only Below the stomach but my legs were sweaty and my boxers, it woke me up. Yesterday I was worrying about lymphoma and thought well I don't have night sweats so that's good. Then last night I got night sweats and now I'm so worried. :(

08-07-15, 19:42
SSRIs can cause night sweats. The only night sweat you should be concerned with are the wring out the sheet sweats. I mean soaking wet, entire body, twist and drain the sweat into a glass sweats. I had them, I know!

Positive thoughts

09-07-15, 07:32
When my anxiety was at its worst, I had some pretty major night sweats going on. I had no idea anxiety could do such a thing, but it can. Even if you aren't on meds.

Regarding a previous post, it is amazing how anxiety can also cause your mind to give you a symptom, once that symptom enters your consciousness. I was recently concerned about diabetes, googled it (yes, I know) and saw dry mouth or bad taste in the mouth as a symptom. I thought, I don't have that so I must be right. Next day, you guessed it, dry mouth.

Day after that I bought a packet of gum to take my mind off it. As soon as I bought the gum, it cleared up. Didn't even USE the gum.

Tells me what my mind is capable of, and how stupid it is to google.