View Full Version : Awful experience with doctor

07-07-15, 11:34
I just went to the doctor to get help for my increasing anxiety symptoms and ended up coming home and having my first panic attack in several years because of how badly the appointment went.

Over the last 15 years I've had a few bouts of depression and anxiety and been successfully medicated. This time I'm not depressed at all, but have anxiety (and also possibly PTSD) stemming from issues with previous neighbours. We moved and now have lovely neighbours, but I am still incredibly anxious any time I hear any noise from next door, it brings back all the horrible feelings and anxiety. This has been getting worse over the last 6 months and I have started to have anxiety about other things, worrying constantly, eg if my husband is 2 minutes late home I start panicking he's been in an accident, or if I feel a pain somewhere I start panicking it's cancer.

I went to the doctors this morning after putting it off for weeks, and it was awful. I had another unrelated issue to ask about as well, and I told the dr I had a couple of things to talk about and she said "well, we'll see what we can get through in ten minutes". That immediately panicked me thinking we wouldn't have time to sort anything. I asked about medication I had previously been on and said that we were trying for a baby. She just said "antidepressants and pregnancy don't mix", so that was the end of that.

I mentioned I might be interested in CBT, despite previously having an unsuccessful session years ago. She dismissed it saying that the waiting list was very long (I wouldn't have minded waiting) and that the practice counsellor was also full. She gave me a leaflet about a free six week stress management course in September and suggested I try that. I am not stressed, and I do not have a stressful life. It is also a group course, and I really don't want to discuss my issues in a group setting.

She repeatedly talked over me when I was trying to explain specific issues I've been having, and I didn't even get to talk about it possibly being PTSD. I left almost in tears, and by the time I got home I was crying, about ten minutes later I had a panic attack.

I've rung up and made an appointment for next week with a different doctor, but I'm really worried that this one will go badly too. My husband is coming with me next time, and I'm writing a list of things I want to talk about, but what if this doctor is just as dismissive? My previous GP was amazing and would never rush me and listened to everything I had to say, but we've moved so I can't go back there. I've looked online at MIND stuff but we live in the countryside now and there's nothing nearby.

I don't know what to do if the next appointment goes badly as well, I feel 10 times worse than I did before I went, I haven't really stopped crying for the last couple of hours.

Please tell me if you've had a bad experience that you've been able to get help from somewhere else, and that not all GPs are so dismissive and unhelpful.

07-07-15, 13:27
Maybe ask for a cpn to drop in to see you ? Say youre quite isolated and worried and really do worry about waiting for the 9 months. Id go on the waiting list despite the wait. Itll come around soon enough and youll be glad you did.

I had a cpn drop in to see me occasionally to get me through the nine month wait for cbt.

Noise from next door - change the associations - noise from next door now conjures up images of your friends, those good people next door who care about you, are a lot like you and make you feel comfortable. Every time you hear noise, see them in ways that make you like them and like that they are there.
Reflect those positive feelings towards them in your verbal and non verbal communication to them when you see them so they see you like them and like that YOU are THEIR neighbour too :-)

07-07-15, 17:06
Thanks for your reply. I'm going to ask to go on the waiting list when I see the dr next week. I did try to ask to get on it today but she told me it was full (which I didn't think could happen, but I was taken aback by her so I didn't say anything), and then started talking about something else. I might ask how much it would be to go private if the list is really long.

I've really been trying to change my emotions about the noise, I read something that said I should pretend it's just a family member making the noise, and while it does help sometimes, the majority of time it doesn't. I can rationalise the things I worry about quite easily, but in the moment it doesn't seem to help at all, I still feel panicked at noises and doors slamming, my body just doesn't take any notice of my brain.

I had another panic attack this morning, and was exhausted so I took a nap and woke up having yet another panic attack. That's three in one day and I haven't had one for at least a couple of years. I think because it took me so much time to work up going to the doctor and I pinned all my hopes on it making me better that it's really been a huge blow to me. I'm trying to take it easy for the rest of the day and hopefully things will look a bit brighter tomorrow.

07-07-15, 17:22
Hi Eli,
So sorry you had a bad appointment with you dr. We all know 10 mins is ridiculous to discusss any medical complaint whether it be physical or mental!
My GP told me to ask for a double appointment, and this has never been queried.
In fact, I have been so lucky, in that I have never been rushed and sometimes have been with the doc for up to 30 mins!!!!....Even tho I have tried to cut the appt short cos I was panicking!!
Good idea to take your husband and write a list of problems, especially f you know you will be anxious and worrying about the time factor. Perhaps discuss with your husband, the type of help you want or would accept (so that your husband can intervene and request this, if you are overwhelmed during the appt)
I really hope the next appt goes well. X

07-07-15, 17:35
Hi Eli,
So sorry you had a bad appointment with you dr. We all know 10 mins is ridiculous to discusss any medical complaint whether it be physical or mental!
My GP told me to ask for a double appointment, and this has never been queried.
In fact, I have been so lucky, in that I have never been rushed and sometimes have been with the doc for up to 30 mins!!!!....Even tho I have tried to cut the appt short cos I was panicking!!
Good idea to take your husband and write a list of problems, especially f you know you will be anxious and worrying about the time factor. Perhaps discuss with your husband, the type of help you want or would accept (so that your husband can intervene and request this, if you are overwhelmed during the appt)
I really hope the next appt goes well. X

I agree with all of that. Double appointments are feasable or the last morning or evening appointment are usually a bit longer than norm, though as doctors invariably run late you might have to wait.(I can only talk about my surgery,as they all differ)

Not all GP's really understand anxiety issues and how it affects us , but once they get to know you it should get better.Some GP's are a lot more symathetic than others and you are not obliged to go to the same doctor every time.

We have on that no one goes to.Been there 25 years and known as Dr.Incompetence.

07-07-15, 18:50
I can sympathise with the OP, I have one doctor at my local surgery who I go out of my way to avoid now. He interrupts, talks over me, doesn't make eye contact, sighs a lot... total a*hole to be honest. If I had ebola I would probably still wait to see one of the others.

But seriously, I hope you don't let one bad experience put you off.

07-07-15, 20:28
Definitely ask for a double appointment and ask before hand if any of the doctors in the practice has an "interest" in mental health issues. Some actually do and you could well have a really sympathetic doctor in the practice.

A sympathetic GP approach can make all the difference. Don't let an arrogant know-it-all put you off though-these doctors should know better and you will get better service next time, I'm sure.

07-07-15, 21:15
Good advice from Tulisa and very funny what Frenchy said about ebola :-) so true. I have had my fair share if doctors who should not be aloud to work with people but now I have two lovely doctors. You had a lovely one before so you can maybe find another nice one x

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ----------

And I want to add that it makes me sooooo mad when you go to your doctor feeling vulnerable and they not only don't do anything to help but they actually manage to make you feel worse, nasty!!!

08-07-15, 04:33
They are not all like that but GP's can be varying in quality. At mine its 5 minutes for a single appointment or 10 for a double (afternoon only) although it tends to run over a few minutes and they are constantly behind.

You are right to have your name added to the waiting list, your GP is being a blocker here and given their attitude, I wouldn't bother seeing them again if there are others you can try at the practice. Sounds like either an old fashioned attitude or arrogance in that GP.

Have you also checked Rethink?

---------- Post added at 04:33 ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 ----------

Good advice from Tulisa

Pulisa's been on the Big Brother aftershow a couple of times, in the crowd at the Big Brother house and even met Russell Brand...so that makes her far more credible for celebrity status than Tulisa :winks:

08-07-15, 08:14
I don't know the ins and out of every NHS practise but the recent series on TV showed the Upper Richmond Road Practice in Putney were there were 10 GP,s registered but 24000 patients.

I live less than i.5 miles away and our practice has 7 GP,s registered with 3 on at any one time to cater for 10000 patients.

61000 appointments a day are missed by patients which is a huge number and it is fairly obvious at least in London that the demand by patients to be seen is heavily outweighed by the shortage of doctors.

How can you describe all your problems and/or symptoms in 10 minutes.Well you can't. It actually says on the wall at our practice that if you have 4 different things you want to discuss,to make 4 separate appointments, which again isn't feasable especially for us, anxiety sufferers.

08-07-15, 08:18
They are not all like that but GP's can be varying in quality.

You are right to have your name added to the waiting list, your GP is being a blocker here and given their attitude, I wouldn't bother seeing them again if there are others you can try at the practice. Sounds like either an old fashioned attitude or arrogance in that GP.

Have you also checked Rethink?

---------- Post added at 04:33 ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 ----------

Pulisa's been on the Big Brother aftershow a couple of times, in the crowd at the Big Brother house and even met Russell Brand...so that makes her far more credible for celebrity status than Tulisa :winks:

I knew your eagle eye wouldn't miss that slip of the cyber pen, Terry:D

08-07-15, 08:25
I knew your eagle eye wouldn't miss that slip of the cyber pen, Terry:D

And to think I nearly added "and hasn't any videos online...to my knowledge" :blush::D

You have to be careful with these BB appearances, you end up one of the invited regulars if you are not careful like the guy off Coach Trip or the bloke that looks like Roland Rivrond or was it Dr Fox?!

08-07-15, 08:31
Recently I had to take my daughter for an out-of-hours GP appointment and got to see a doctor who said that he was on anti-depressants and that these had helped him greatly.

He wasn't specialised enough to help with my daughter's complex condition but it was a refreshing change to have a GP actually "get it". The frustrating thing is that the majority of GPs don't and have spent very little time studying mental health issues but "bedside manner" and being willing to listen all hugely help you feel you're being taken seriously.

---------- Post added at 08:31 ---------- Previous post was at 08:27 ----------

And to think I nearly added "and hasn't any videos online...to my knowledge" :blush::D

You have to be careful with these BB appearances, you end up one of the invited regulars if you are not careful like the guy off Coach Trip or the bloke that looks like Roland Rivrond or was it Dr Fox?!

I am selective with my TV appearances these days, Terry, but have been known to confront Dr Christian Jessen on a live C4 debate show............:blush:
And no, it had nothing to do with my Embarrassing Body:winks:

08-07-15, 08:36
Yes, I thought I heard someone shouting obscenities & geering in the crowd on 8 out of 10 cats :D

He wasn't on Sexbox, was he? :blush:

08-07-15, 08:44
No and ......Not Guilty although I have met Jimmy Carr

08-07-15, 08:47
How many celebrities have you met???!!!!

08-07-15, 08:53
Quite a few comedians (including Jessen) and most of the EastEnders lot as my daughter is an avid fan! A few actors here and there but all in the name of Daughter Therapy!

08-07-15, 10:57
Can somebody please explain to me how you quote what somebody else has said. I have tried but can't do it. Thaaanks! :doh:

08-07-15, 11:22
Can somebody please explain to me how you quote what somebody else has said. I have tried but can't do it. Thaaanks! :doh:

Like that :winks:

(can you see a blue button towards the bottom right of the person's post that says "quote" on it? You can also copy/paste into the quote tags in the Advanced Post as there is a button that looks like a speech bubble and when you hover over it it will say "Wrap [QUOTE] tags around selected text...but this is the long way)

09-07-15, 04:46
I asked about medication I had previously been on and said that we were trying for a baby. She just said "antidepressants and pregnancy don't mix", so that was the end of that.

Hardly scientific of her or inkeeping with NICE guidance on the subject as this not strictly true either so doctors are willing to allow it...when they are properly educated on the subject:

Before you read it though please be aware that where a known birth defect may have been linked to a specific drug, it will be mentioned.


Its interesting though because a review of the studies out there found mismatching outcomes for many of them hence it cannot be proven.

09-07-15, 05:39
Hi Eli sorry you had a bad experience there are long waits for cbt in some areas pesky funding cuts. unfortunatly some doctors take the nice guidance for "watchfull waiting" for certain conditions to the extreme. They do fob people off and even after a refferal assessment takes time and a refferal to cbt takes longer. Ptsd which i have is best treated by EMDR eye movement desenitisation which isn't done on the nhs as cbt hasn't worked before do you think it will work for previous issues and ptsd which is rarely treated in 12 max alloted sessions. what your doctor should have given you was talking therapy number you self reffer and start straight away by phone no scary groups. But a good private phycologist at 30-40 a session might be worth consideration. They cannot diagnose ptsd only a consultant phyciatrist can. personnally as a ptsd sufferer and with general aniexty disorder i relate it all mixes together in an overwhelming way. The simplist things work the best. if noises make you jump and i bet your listening for it. drown out the noise keep music on the TV going. make sure your new place looks diferent paint the walls diffrent colours throw the old curtains you used to peak through scared scent your home with soothing lavander. teach your brain through all your senses that your in a new safe place. with the same enviroment via possesions/furnishings in a moment of panic your brain reverts to strrssful times. if you believe its ptsd and it was bad perhaps police correspondence or a landlord moving you may open the doctors eyes. trouble with GAD is we worry about allsortd and docs are thick skinned putting it on general aniexty not tailored specif help. in my area the ptsd/trauma services are diffrent services to a cmht. so if you must use the nhs the gp will have to get your refferal correct. but talking therapy and singing to your fav music nice smells long soaks in bath even just repeating i dont live there put a sweet in your mouth your fav when you hear bangs rewire your mind to focus on other things positive things we can all be our own therapists. onwards and upwards and stop looking back block out the noise trigger hugs xxx

09-07-15, 06:39
Thanks Terry! X

11-07-15, 12:14
I visited my Dr last week, after a couple of years so had a few bits I wanted to discuss. Funny thing was my blood pressure shot up and we ended up dealing with my high blood pressure and not the other issues. I have now been sat at work and home with high anxiety and panic over my high blood pressure, and in a real state, not sleeping, fearful I am dying, dreading the day and completely confused and floaty. I am sure the extra pills he prescribed are now reacting, but I am now too frightened to return to the Dr. Thinking I might change Drs and would suggest you do too, if for no other reason than a second opinion. Good luck!

13-07-15, 11:25
Hi all, I just wanted to thank you all for all your comments and support, it's really helped get me through the last few days.

I had an appointment with another doctor this morning, who was amazing. I took my husband and a list of symptoms and she was extremely sympathetic. She said although GPs don't diagnose PTSD she thinks I probably have it. She gave me an urgent referral to the psychiatric team and told me to see her every two weeks indefinitely so she can monitor how I'm doing and see if there's anything else I need after I start counselling.

I can't tell you how relieved I am, I came out of there feeling lighter than in a long, long time.

Thank you all for your comments, every time I've felt panicky over the last few days I've come here to re-read them and it's calmed me down.

I hope this gives some hope to others with crappy doctors, that you don't give up and keep trying until you find a decent one. The advice about taking a written list was brilliant, it kept me from getting off track and forgetting things I wanted to say.

For the first time in years I'm hopeful that I might actually not feel like this forever.

13-07-15, 14:01
That's great news. I'm very glad you saw a GP who "got" it-so many just fob you off with platitudes.

Best wishes for the referral. Just goes to show how important it is to see the "right" GP?

13-07-15, 14:29
Great news Eli:)

13-07-15, 15:30
I am so pleased for you eli. I wish i had the same news for my daughter but I haven't.

A letter was sent from Moorfields to her GP for the second time that she needs an urgent referal. My daughter heard nothing so made an appointment to see her GP.

Her GP just came out and told her the senior partner in the Practice blocked it, as she has done before and said my daughter wasn't ill she just had anxiety. This is the second time this doctor has done this.

As it so happens the referal she had for anxiety was today and my daughter saw a counsellor for 90 minutes who said (as we all knew) that she wasn't mentally unstable and was obviously anxious because of her health problems.This counsellor will write a report which of course the senior partner will see, but now my daughter has no other choice but to go to another practice as whichever doctor she would see, this senior partner will never change her mind,and she is the one who didn't check me properly when I had my heart attack.

13-07-15, 15:38
This is the exact reason why I don't want to go to the doctors. My anxiety is worse than it has ever been before but I know from past experiences that most doctors don't care and think you are just being overly emotional or try to prescribe AD's which I don't want as I am not depressed. I am so sorry that you had a horrible time today but try not to let it get you down. It's the Dr who should be feeling horrible. I know you have already made another appointment but it might be worth telling the receptionist (very briefly) the kind of thing you want to discuss with the doctor and they may know which doctor is best to speak to about this kind of thing? It will be a big help having your OH there as it will put you at ease. As others have said, it might be an idea to see if you can get the last appointment of the day as hopefully that wouldn't be so rushed? Good luck xx