View Full Version : Full blown panic attacks today Help!!

01-02-07, 18:36
Hi!!! anyone have any suggestions that will help me with my panic attacks today..I need people who have tips or someone who just wouldnt mean chatin with me..I started a new medicine yesterday Wellbutrin xl 150mg.....and stopped the old med buspar the day before..which buspar gave me bad side effects and now I try wellbutrin again..I have tried it before and it helped.....well at least I thought it help..so when I got better I stopped it..now I am back at the begining again...full blown panick attacks..When I took my first dose yesterday of the wellbutrin xl I been having attacks after attacks all day and night and still having them...has anybody experienced having pannic attacks after switching medicine or what???Is it just the thought of the new med or does it have to get in my system?Someone please help me...I need some friends to chat with..because I feel so terrible and I no you no how I feel..Please help today..God Bless..

01-02-07, 18:56
I suffer really bad panic attacks, i cant really give you any advice about the medication because i dont take any (i have a phobia of swalling tablets) i just wanted to reply and say hello and i hope your ok, and if you wanna chat through this panic attack im here.

01-02-07, 19:20
Thank you so much..I am kinna lost tryna find my way around here..so forgive me if I responde back in the wrong place..do you get the warm feeling all over ya body..that's how I feel like heat all over my body right now..

01-02-07, 19:30
hi cookie I know what your going through just try to stay calm and take some comfort chatting on this website. Im not on medication myself but I do have massive attacks from time to time. you are not alone my thoughts are with you. (((((((((HUG)))))))))

01-02-07, 19:38
Thank you Steve...I am trying to stay calm..also I dont no my way around so I got to get use to where to type you back at..Thanks and I need some good people like you to talk to..right now I feel like the heater is on in my entire body..feel so bad...

01-02-07, 19:44
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi cookie I know what your going through just try to stay calm and take some comfort chatting on this website. Im not on medication myself but I do have massive attacks from time to time. you are not alone my thoughts are with you. (((((((((HUG)))))))))

<div align="right">Originally posted by steve1978 - 01 February 2007 : 19:30:30</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">Thanks steve...I dont no if I am typing in the right place still a lil lost...

01-02-07, 19:49
You are in the right place I got your message. I know you are feeling like crap right now but tomorow is a new day, maybe a new start for you, a real start. 2007 could be the year we both crack our problems and begin living a real life again. Stay positive think of a positive future I am always here to chat to.

01-02-07, 19:55
Yes it is a new year...and I no we will overcome this horrible thing going on in our bodies...yes i feel like crap and if I dont responde I am tryna relax and blowing in my bag....I havent had one in a few days until I started on my new med yesterday..all I no it feels so horrible..but please keep in touch with me I need some people to talk to..we all need each other..and I am here for you also..

01-02-07, 20:02
why did you come off your old med?

01-02-07, 20:40
Just saw ya message sorry steve..Oh I came off buspirone because I was having so many side effects and didnt help my panic attacks..the med I took for 7 weeks had me blurry eyes..couldnt focus on the outside world...dizzy dizzy dizzy....I couldnt hold my head up for a month I just now able to hold it up because i was so dizzy and bad headaces...I felt sick in the eyes and I just felt sick..stayed in bed and still in bed now for 2months.. been stop driving because I couldnt see..so I lower the doses of the old med on my on and that's when I saw the difference in the dizziness..right now I am feeling a less dizzer but it's only been 2 days since I been off the buspiron(busbar)and now back on wellbutrin xl....Hoping this will help me out some..I have a phobia on med so maybe when I took my first dose yesterday that's what started it or it just got to get in my system good...I dont no...I dont like taking med at all..did good with out it for some months but once I stopped got back bad off..so if this time a med is helping me I will not stop taking it...at least till I learn how to control this bad attacks..3 years now I have had them..

01-02-07, 21:07
hi cookie
im sorry to see that your having a real bad time at the mo, panic is a pain in the backside, just remember they are false feelings, your body is telling you to be afraid, but of what, the mind can play some nasty tricks on us anxious people, some where along the path of recovery you found a way of controlling these attacks, can you try to bring those thoughts to the fore front of your mind, i know how difficult that can be, believe me, feel free to pm me anytime

take care

denise :D:D

02-02-07, 00:19

How you feeling now. Here for you mate.

Big hugs

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

02-02-07, 01:28
Hope you're feeling better now. I just wanted to say that I've noticed changes when coming off of medication or starting it. The summer before last I had an anxiety/panic attack thing that lasted for like three months. I had just gotten off of the zoloft at the time, but didn't go off the right way by weaning down (so my Doc said). Man, that was a rotten time.

Now just last month I started back on the zoloft (after going off it *again* with a doc's help) because I was having panic attacks again. It definitely can take some re-adjusting, I had some panic attacks and increased anxiety when I first started taking the zoloft, but it passed. I think the main thing isn't the drugs themselves causing the panic reaction, but the way we are feeling when we take them. Like, if we're constantly thinking it's going to cause panic or anxiety, then maybe it will. I know it's not always easy to think positively about this stuff, but try.

Try to think about how much the meds will help, instead of anything negative (or possibly negative) about them. Good luck. I had a bad panic attack myself this morning with a thumping heart and everything so I know what you're going through. It'll get better. Just gotta keep hope and faith alive.

Good luck and God Bless you. All panic and anxiety passes in time, try thinking that some times, or saying it out loud. Might bring you some comfort. We know the buggers can't last forever.


02-02-07, 04:36
Thank you all for the luv and support..I am so glad I found this site..we need each other to overcome..we will survive..God bless you all and thanks again...feel free to write anytime...