View Full Version : Panic over vaccines side effects

07-07-15, 17:03
Does anybody had a panic over vaccines side effects? I got my tetanus booster a month ago and now I am worried about all the side effects that can be, I had all the vaccines as child and no history of side effects as I know but now I am freaked out about it.
I try not to Google it but as always being hypochondriac, I can't help myself not to Google.
How to you manage this kind of situation? How can I calm myself down?
And of course I feel lots of different symptoms, most difficult part is to separate the anxiety and do I really feel not well.
I have not feeled well for years, to be honest, I don't remember when was the last time when I can say that, ok, you feel well today.
My morning starts with total checkup of my body functions and with hope that I can go trough a day.
It's really getting on my nerves to be like this, I understand that I must stop doing this but it's difficult when you feel like crap every day.
And now the fear of vaccines side effects.
Thank you and all the best.

14-07-15, 15:31
Little update from me.
Anxiety is still high, now almost 5 weeks from the tetanus shot but still worried about side effects.
Neurologic side effects are the ones that scary most.
Numbness in legs and arms. Worried about the neuritis in shoulder, they say it occurs in 28 days and I have more then 28 days past but still no calming down on that issue.
Yesterday was right arm numb, today left. Legs are jelly, affraid of getting GBS syndrome as well. It can occur 6 weeks after vaccination, I know it's only one in million chance but I am convinced that I will be the one, never won a lottery but this I will get.
Got appointment with neurolog on Thursday, let's see what they think.
I really hope that all symptoms are just anxiety.