View Full Version : help please

07-07-15, 17:23
I'm a long time sufferer of health anxiety especially surrounding the heart. Every test has come back fine whwhich is great but having health anxiety it's hard to convince myself regardless but wat I'm struggling with now is weakness I'm getting been to doctor today about it and he did ecg which came back normal wasn't sure why he did ecg because I wasn't concerned about heart for once . He puts the weakness down to dehydration but I've been drinking plenty he told me it wasn't anything because ecg came back normal . I just feel he didn't listen to me I've never had the weakness before. I've always had normal blood pressure but it was a bit low wen he checked it in the surgery. I don't know what to do right now. I'm trying not to panic with feeling wobbly and trying to get on with my day but I just don't feel well and I'm at a loss as what to do about it.x thanks Ella

07-07-15, 17:59
I suffer with heart anxiety too. The last 4 days have been the most difficult for me. Right now, I'm in the middle of feeling extremely anxious. I've posted a lot on here recently and its because my symptoms are intensifying. I've got sharp stabbing pains, heaviness, tightness, breathing is laboured, blood pressure was 152/90 and pulse was 85. I was convinced there was something seriously wrong.

The feelings have faded a little now. Blood pressure is back down so maybe I'd worked myself up and caused it in myself. I'm still catching my breath when walking or even moving funny on the sofa which is really concerning. I'm still getting little twinges and dull aches and like an itchy sensation.

It really can't be a heart problem though. I've had ecgs and echos and blood tests and all clean. It really can't be, but I can't shift the thought. All I know is what I feel and I feel bad.

I really wish I knew how to get my mind off it. I'm struggling with that so much. I'm trying to ignore it but my mind tells me that I shouldn't ignore it.

I'm waiting for the adrenaline to pass but even when it does, I still have the aches and pains. They are constant. Sometimes better than other times. I wish I had the magic key. I don't. I haven't found anything that works. Right now, I'm in the car about to go in for a hypnotherapy session. It hasn't worked so far.

The only advice I can give you is to not check. Avoid monitors and don't put your hand on your chest. Try and ignore it. Do whatever you were doing, regardless of how you feel. If you feel so bad that you collapse then at least someone will find out why. And when you don't collapse, I guess you'll slowly build up the confidence that you're fine.

I've got a banging headache today too. Feel weak and on edge and not capable of doing anything. I'm hoping it's the weather or another anxiety effect.

Please let me know if anything you try works.

07-07-15, 18:05
if u have had all the test you need to relise you are fine, The test pick abnormaltys up, Your letting your anxiety take over and ruin your life when your feeling like that, What life do you have especially when theres nothing wrong with yourself u need to address your anxiety problems and accept after tests that your fine, if you was gonna have a heart attack u would have one not keep having aches and pains everyday thats just the aniiety snap out of it and get some help