View Full Version : arms aching is it anxiety

lindy lou 2
08-07-15, 08:31
Hi, I am suffering with anxiety/panic as some of you may know.
I have recently found that my shoulders really hurt all of the time, so much that I cannot sleep on my side as normal.
Does any one else get this , from tension ?
Or I am wondering if it is more arthritis , meds or the fact that I have been doing a bit more than I have for a long while & it is muscular ?

08-07-15, 08:48
It could be a mixture of the 3? As you know muscular tension is very common with anxiety but give it a few days and if your sleep is still disrupted due to the discomfort then I'd advise a GP appointment.

08-07-15, 08:51
Is it a deep ache, Lindy? If so, whilst it could easily be a combination of all three, it could also be from your painting as you are working yourself back into physical exercise. Given the nature of painting, its all rotator cuff exercise so could easily have caused muscle soreness.

Try ice/heat and see if it helps.

lindy lou 2
08-07-15, 09:00
Thanks Pulisa, it due to slight has been going on for quite a while now, but I have really noticed it since I tried to do some painting/decorating. I find doctors appts difficult due to some agoraphobia, if I do need to go, I will get someone to go with me. It seems funny that it has gone from one shoulder to both now. If I sleep on my back it is much better. I am just hoping it is not arthritis, I had a hip replaced 5 years ago, it has never been comfortable & I don't want more surgery. I do have my shoulders hunched almost permanently, also I need a new chair for typing on here, as it is a bit too high. I also notice backache from tension, which goes when I manage to relax.

---------- Post added at 09:00 ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 ----------

Thanks Terry, you could well be right ! I will try heat/ or ice.

08-07-15, 09:09
As Terry has said, the painting and decorating could have triggered things off and the hunched shoulders-which all of us do-probably adds to the discomfort.

The heat/ice approach is certainly worth a try and sorry, I didn't know about your agoraphobia so apologies for suggesting the GP.

08-07-15, 09:11
Don't forget you are dropping the Mirt too, Lindy. Thats going to bring the possibility of side effects with it and whilst I couldn't say in regards to muscular issues without checking, it will certainly be affecting your mood & coping with pain.

lindy lou 2
08-07-15, 09:59
Thanks Pulisa & Terry, I am not agoraphobic to the point I cannot get out at all, but getting worse at doing it on my own:weep: I do try, but health appts are difficult, my husband has taken the day off on the 23rd to take me to the mental health team appt.
I think you are right Terry, I have not used my muscles in about 3 years ! was all enthusiastic about decorating, now have had to give it a rest for a bit, so disappointed with myself.
I am in a bit of a state this morning, someone was supposed to be taking me out this morning to a church social thing, and she has left me hanging ! Not able to get through on her mobile so don't know if I am going or not ! Things like this wind me up so much.
Didn't know anyway if I really wanted to go, as I am not really churchified, if you know what I mean, just thought I would give it a try.

08-07-15, 10:11
Don't be disappointed in yourself, you can took on a challenge and did it! Before you weren't doing things like that so anything new like this is a good thing. Physical things mean you have to learn your body's reactions so now you now that you may need to split it up a bit or maybe do slightly less. Its the same for anyone embarking on an exercise programme when they have been sedentary - you can expect aches & pains.

If it is this, its just micro tears in muscles and this is the way the body is designed. The tears occur to allow for muscle to rebuild itself beyond its previous limits. With you being sedentary for 3 years you won't have the muscle tone you would if you had been active. Its a good thing, really it is, it will mean you become stronger & have more stamina going forward.

There's plenty of time to work through all this, Lindy. Believe me, I know how you feel, I've been through a relapse and it was awful. But I'm much better than that now despite the work I still need to do. Both times I started meds I ended up so bad I couldn't leave the house so I have some insight into agoraphobia, but not to the level of a true sufferer of it. I found it hard and it took a long time to really get past it but things at least got better bit by bit as I managed more & more.

Is the church social a coffee morning? They do those at some of the churches near me and I remember a lady at the charity walk-in groups that went to those because she was off work with anxiety and all alone until her husband came home. She found them beneficial from a social point of view and there was no pressure to be part of the church so see how it goes.

08-07-15, 10:23
Certainly sounds a lot like muscle tension from Anxiety. I get this a lot, and I find I wake with an aching shoulder. Heat from a hot water bottle usually relieves it quite quickly for me.

As others have said, dont be Dissapointed with yourself, take the positives from it - you Started the decorating with enthusiasm, it will get finished!

Hope you are feeling more settled now :)

08-07-15, 14:02
These things happen when making arrangements with friends unfortunately but you will obviously be disappointed. Please don't let it get you down though- I'm sure there will be a simple explanation or your friend could have had a difficult situation of her own to deal with?

lindy lou 2
08-07-15, 14:48
Thanks all for the replies, I did go out to the church social, her phone had been playing up.
It was however a lot of old folk, nothing wrong with old folk, but one of my problems is, after always being happy in my own company, socialising at pubs & with younger friends, since moving into a tiny bungalow, and with 60 looming up, my friend dying, my sister in law in the state she is in, all I seem to think about now,is getting old & dying myself. I want to have FUN again & I found it a bit depressing, although it distracted me a bit. I ruminate on what I have done wrong with my life, not driving, not having kids etc. My husband is nearly 9 years younger than me, he is busy, busy working & doing things in his shed when he is home & he gets exasperated with my outlook on life. My shoulders topped aching when I relaxed for a bit, which I did at first, perhaps I would do better volunteering there, washing pots or something & talking to the other volunteers, rather than sitting feeling like the old ones.. Sorry for the essay & thanks for the replies
Lindy xx.

---------- Post added at 14:48 ---------- Previous post was at 14:44 ----------

Just to add to that, Liz who took me is in her 40's, she is very kind, & said perhaps another day next week, we can go to a cafe down by the river, & I am going out tomorrow with Anne into the nearest town for an Indian meal, and a look around, so that might be more uplifting.

08-07-15, 17:06
First thing I picked up on was that you relaxed whilst you were out! I dont think you give yourself enough credit for what you are actually achieving. Life may not be 'fluent' for you right now, but you ae certainly getting there!

Have a go at Volunteering, see how it makes you feel. A freshh focus could be good for you :)

08-07-15, 18:18
Tomorrow's outing sounds a bit more like it?

I take your point that you want to add a few more "fun" things to your life to counteract the challenging areas and this is perfectly understandable and could be just what you need?

You've got a lot to deal with and it would be so good if you could get a bit of "respite" from this in one way or another. Just to give you a moral lift and to prove that there are things that could give you some pleasure in life again?

lindy lou 2
08-07-15, 21:06
Thanks Mart & Pulisa for your input, yes I suppose I must have relaxed a bit while I was there, I think volunteering might be better though, it does actually finish for the summer break on the 29th, will give it another go next week though. Pulisa, yes I think tomorrow will be more fun, I do have some good days when I go out one to one with a friend.
I am wondering if it is also coming off the mirt as Terry said, it hasn't really helped so why take it, I am also cutting down on diazapam & zopiclone, My husband says there is a pattern, each time I make a drop in doses, I go down for a while. I can actually cope better with the anxiety than depression. Off to bed now, been doing a lot of crying, thanks again for the support

08-07-15, 22:20
Ive never done the meds, Im sure others will be able to tell you more about that, but from what Ive read, adjusting the dose up or down tends to have a short term negative affect. Sleep well ;)

lindy lou 2
09-07-15, 10:46
Thanks Mart & Pulisa, woke up terribly depressed again, I have had to up my meds again, I think cutting down as much as I did was too much.
Yesterday I think was too deppressing for me, all of the old folk reminde me too much of visiting my 90 year old mother in law, who is in a care h,ome, it always depresses me going to visit there !
I don't think it is for me. Shaking so much this morning, I thought I would have to cancel today, but after taking a 1/4 of Mirtazapine I am getting ready to go.
It should be more uplifting than yesterday, although I am going for lunch , don't really feel like eating, but I have promised Anne, so will make myself go.
Thank you both for your input

09-07-15, 10:54
Just rethink the reduction then, Lindy. They say it should be 10% per drop if possible and the longer you have been on, the longer you should spend coming off.



Make sure you check the "half life" too. A drug takes 4-5 of these to reach "steady state" which is the rate at which as much is going in as coming out in terms of your blood plasma levels. So, its the consistent settled state. I would be wary of coming down further until after that time (Half Life X 5). It will likely take a little longer than that too with you still taking a reduced dose each day.

I hope you have a nice day out.

At the charity walk-in groups I used to go to they were always selling volunteering to people to help them rebuild their CV's but more importantly to help with their mental health.

09-07-15, 10:56
Have a lovely day Lindy, I've just been out for breakfast with a friend and sat outside in the sunshine, watched the world go by and it completely took me out of myself, really good start to the day. I hope you enjoy your lunch! Xx

09-07-15, 11:36
Mornings are often the pits, as you know.

I really hope you can have some respite from all this by going out to lunch with your friend. Soaking up a bit of sun may help to lift your mood too?

Take it an hour at a time

lindy lou 2
09-07-15, 16:14
Hi Crystal & Pulisa, well, made it out for lunch, had a little walk around some shops too, sat in the sun also & had a coffee, not had a coffee for ages, I usually avoid caffeine.
I was still a bit shaky & anxious, but upping my mirtazapine by a 1/4 seemed to help & got me out of the house, looks like I just do need anti d's I wish I could go back on paroxetine, which suited me for years, I am going to ask in 2 weeks at my next appt, in the hopes that they could work again. I know they have a bad rep for getting off, but I have managed it several times without too much trouble. Hope you have both had a good day too xx.

09-07-15, 17:23
Very pleased that you had a good time. My advice would be not to think too far in advance and take each day as it comes. Hope your evening is as restful as possible.

lindy lou 2
10-07-15, 11:26
Thanks Pulisa, , I think we all have to take at least one day at a time. I have downloaded 2 relaxation / hypnotherapy apps on the kindle, one for anxiety & one for depression, going to listen to the depression one now, listened to the anxiety one last night.
It seems a lot more relaxed & friendlier on here , now Davit isn't chiming in on everyones posts.
I should be cutting the grass, but it is very warm again, but I have been for a little walk with my friend & his dog, still feeling a bit down today, but that could be after the effort of going out yesterday. How are you doing ?

10-07-15, 17:46
I'm fine thanks, lindy lou. Yes it's good to be able to talk freely about normal things, isn't it?!:winks:

You sound as if you are doing all the right things. Don't expect too much of yourself and pace yourself. I know that you've got a lot on your plate but you need time for yourself too.

I hope your arm/shoulder discomfort has calmed down too and is not disrupting your sleep?

lindy lou 2
11-07-15, 18:12
Hi Pulisa, glad you are fine.
My shoulder is not too bad, still think there might be a bit of arthritis going on there, taking Apple Cider Vinegar & chondroitin