View Full Version : Omega 3 Amount & Time

08-07-15, 12:03
Hi all,

Been taking Vitabiotics Ultra™ Cod Liver Oil Liquid (http://www.vitabiotics.com/ultra/codliveroil-liquid/) (1 x 5ml twice a day for the last 3 weeks but haven't really noticed any benefits.

How much should I need to take to see a benefit?

How long should it take to evaluate whether I am seeing a benefit or not?

Any advice/help would be welcome

09-07-15, 05:02

This thread might give you some information from when some of us were discussing this before:


There are some links in there that talk about ratios and volumes.

I started taking Omega 3 because I read about it on this forum and then found some online articles about studies of over 1000mg EPA or DHA (I forget which is was now) and decided to try it myself. I found a cheap liquid form in Tesco's own brand which gives about 800mg+ of each. Since I started my mood improved a lot and became much more stable that it had been on Duloxetine for my anxiety disorders. In fact, I had been having mood swings ever since I went on this med and never had them before!

At Xmas I had a lazy few weeks and stopped taking Omega 3. Within 3 weeks my mood was unstable again and upon recommencing Omega 3, it stabilised very quickly.

So, I think its worth a look and if nothing else, its healthy in other ways.