View Full Version : Soul loss.

01-02-07, 19:19
Can anyone tell me more about soul loss?
I know it leaves one severely depressed.
Its like a spiritual illness.

Love & light to you x


01-02-07, 19:27
I had never heard of it but I did google and here is what I found...

I don't know that I personally believe in it but hope that it helps you :)

02-02-07, 15:13
Looking briefly at that site, it would appear that all of us might have some degree of soul loss. Not sure I agree with the theory though. I think that bad experiences and life's knocks do adversely affect us because they disturb the energy flow through our meridians. Blockages are set up and we begin to feel ill. This doesn't need to be permanent though. The human body has a wonderful capacity to repair itself.

I understand that when we are depressed this can be seen in our aura. It shrinks and the colours change but, again, this is reversible.

I believe that we are souls, souls that temporarily inhabit a physical body in order to gain life experiences. When the body wears out, the soul moves on. I don't think we ever lose a part of it. Just my opinion.
