View Full Version : Project to raise awareness of how much health anxiety sucks!

08-07-15, 13:19
Hello J

My name is Mel and I write a blog about my gender exploration and also mental health issues. I suffer from many issues including anxiety, depression, self harm, ocd, phobias, but by far the worst is my health anxiety.

Other the past few months I have suffered with my health anxiety terribly, to the point of becoming suicidal. People’s reactions to my health anxiety have shown me that it is one of the most misunderstood of mental health problems.

People assume those who have it are time wasters, attention seekers, being dramatic etc. I want to try and change these perceptions and show people what it is really like to suffer from this. I want to get across to people just how debilitating it can be.

I have been writing about it quite a lot on my blog recently but would now like to make a video of photos showing sufferers thoughts on the condition. Therefore I am trying to find people willing to take a couple of photos of themselves holding a piece of card/paper. Upon the piece of paper I would like people to write one or a couple of words which sum up how it feels to have health anxiety. On another piece, maybe the illness they fear the most.
For example, my “signs” will most likely say things like;

“I fear I have cancer”

“This condition makes me face my death 100’s of times a day”

“I fear one day this condition will win”

The photos will all then be made into a video and posted to youtube with the link coming from my blog.

If you would like to help me, that would be awesome!!! All I ask is that the photos are as good quality as possible, the writing is nice and large, but above all….the words you write, are honest. Make them true, heartfelt….this is your chance to tell the world just how hard it is to live with this condition.

Here is the link to my blog if you would like a look first;


By emailing me your photo/s you will be giving me permission to use them on my blog and submit them to the youtube video I make. However, no reference to names etc will be made.

If you know anyone else who may be interested in doing this, please forward this email to them.

Many thanks


my email is (without the spaces) melaniejames77 @ aol . com

08-07-15, 14:33
Hi Mel

First of all I'm sorry you are having such a bad time.
I went to read a bit of your blog, it's great!! When I have more time I will carry on reading...
I also think it is a great idea to want to raise awareness about health anxiety, but I think one of the problems here might be that a lot of the time people are ashamed of how they feel because, as you have explained so well, it is missunderstod.
So I don't know how easy it will be finding people who are willing to show their faces to the world.
I, for one, would like to help but feel a bit unsure.
I will have a little think about it and get back to you xxx

08-07-15, 14:34
HI Mel, this sounds like a great idea but I fear that there may not be a great rush to take part as such alot of people with health anxiety keep it a very close secret even from family and friends so would not want to be recognised in a photo. As you say the stigma is awful for this mental illness and is probably the one kept most secret!

I hope I am wrong and you get lots of people willing to take part. You are obviously very open about it which is great. Good luck

08-07-15, 15:37
Hi Mel,

I think this is a great idea. Like you I have suffered with health anxiety for years and it is unbelievably debilitating. Not a day goes by where I don't think that I have cancer or a heart condition. It is hugely isolating as, like you said, no one really understands. And I completely appreciate that because I can see how attention seeking we must look from the outside! I think there could be a lot of people suffering with this condition that, like the users above have rightly said, are probably suffering in silence and embarrassment. I would love to support you in this and hope others do too!

08-07-15, 16:35
Hey everyone :) thanks for the replies. I totally get the being ashamed and secret part. My family don't know the true extent of my issues....I guess they will after I do this !

One thing I will say, if you would like to be part of this, but don't want to be "outed" as such, then please feel free to hold the sign in front of your face or maybe stand with your back to the camera? Just some ideas.

Wishing everyone a peaceful evening and remember....stay off google ;)

09-07-15, 17:48
Hi I would like to take part, but will cover my face up. Simply because I hate looking at myself LOL

It will be tomorrow now but I shall email you.

09-07-15, 18:27
That would be great :hugs: thank you

11-07-15, 20:25
Hello again :) still after some more photo signs, however some people have submitted photos of just a written sign, without themselves in the picture....so they can remain anonymous. Would anyone feel they could do this ?

13-07-15, 18:10
Video now complete :)

---------- Post added at 18:10 ---------- Previous post was at 18:09 ----------

Will post link on separate thread