View Full Version : Please help:Severe heart palpitations,not enough iron in blood - planning pregnancy

08-07-15, 13:22
Hello everyone,

first of all, I would like to apologize for my english is not so good...

For 5 years now, I experince episodes of heart palpitations (among other anxiety symptoms.. I have anxiety and panic attacks for about 5-6 years now).
Sometimes they are extremly bad, I cannot sleep, I wake up in the middle of the night with my heart beating like crazy. Every once in a while is it better, than again the same situation all over again accompanied with everytime new symptoms. And with those come also a feeling, my fears, that I am seriously ill. I recently made blood tests, and all the tests for my heart,lungs (ECG, heart ultrasound...) and everything came back normal. I was calm for about a day or two, than came back my blood results. They found out, that I don't have enough iron in my blood. And here comes again.. all the fears, everythay searching on internet for potential new deseases because of this and so on. Since me and my man are now planning to have a baby, I read so much about it how dangerous it can be for a baby, if woman have to many iron in blood, and that palpitations during pregnancy are even worser.

Does anyone experience something similar? How is it during pregnancy, could this be dangeours for me and may baby, how can I prevent this? For every answer thank you so much... :ohmy::shrug::scared15:

08-07-15, 14:31
Lots of women are low on iron its very common often due to heavy bleeding during periods. Usually a Dr will prescribe iron and then you will be retested after a few months to see if your levels are normal.

Having low iron can cause palpitations as well so you may find these improve once your iron levels are back to normal?

If you are planning to get pregnant then you need to have your iron levels back to normal and usually pregnant women have regular blood tests to check and take iron pills as well.