View Full Version : Worried about what someone told me

08-07-15, 16:12
Ok so I've had what I believe is a water infection for about a week, I've had one before so I thought I'd leave it and see if it clears up on it's own

Anyway it hasn't cleared it's still the same and now I'm gettin pain in my side an back and down times stomach
My friend said it could hve spread to my kidney and then it will spread I my liver and it's going make me realy poorly

I'm freakig out cause I can't get I the doctors until tomorrow

Is this goig to kill me???

08-07-15, 16:46
I think you may just need some antibiotics. Drink plenty of water & cranberry juice. If the pain is severe you could ring Doctors on call or NHS direct. Are you managing to wee & what colour is it ?

08-07-15, 17:03
Drink lots of cranberry juice, it is a well known fact it helps uti's

08-07-15, 17:09
Hi the pain isn't severe

I am able to wee it's normal colour but stings like a bitch towards the end of the wee

The pain in my side is more like a ache it's not really bad, just made me worry with what my friend said,

I'm weeing a lot more than usual too

08-07-15, 17:10
its fairly normal you will be fine, go doctors get some antibotics tomorrow and it will be fine dont worry ignor what your friend said

08-07-15, 17:14
I've really suffered with UTI's in the past... I was peeing blood at one point. It DOES sounds like an infection BUT I've also had cystitis when there hasn't been an infection. It can happen due to changes in your urine, thrush etc.

Us ladies are very prone to UTI's - so don't panic or worry. Take paracentamol and if its still there tomorrow get yourself to a dr for a swab and antibiotics.

Space xxx

---------- Post added at 17:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:12 ----------

FYI - I had bleeding pee and pain and it didn't spread to the liver... never heard of that before.. kidneys it can happen but liver??

Keep hydrated and don't wear pants - that helps me when i have it.

08-07-15, 17:39
Thank you for the advice guys I'll go the doctors tomorrow ������

13-07-15, 06:55
Hi yeah I went the doctors and he gave me antibiotics but the tablets were huge and I have a tough time swallowing even the smallest of tablets which he knows but said I'd be fine with them, liar... Haha!! But I ended up just drinking extra fluids and it's clearing up on it's own... Well fingers crossed it is anyway ��