View Full Version : Tumour worries

08-07-15, 17:37
Hi guys/girls first post here. For well over a week now I've been obsessed with whether or not I have a tumour. At the start of last week I had a number of consecutive nosebleeds (relatively small and easy to stop) from each nostril. I went to the doctor on Thursday, he said the bleeding was near the front (anterior) and he gave me some naseptin nasal cream saying I had and infection. Since then the nosebleeds have essentially stopped. Initially I was relieved as the type of nosebleed I was having is not caused by nasal tumours. However, when looking at the other symptoms I began to worry and felt the need to check those symptoms several times daily.

I would often get pressure in my cheeks below the eyes (often on the left side) and sometimes itches over those areas and my eyes. I believe I have a number of symptoms of a sinus infection but given that I don't have some (my mucus doesn't appear to be yellow-green and my nose is only slightly congested) I have doubts as to whether I have an infection. Even though I have very few symptoms of nasal/ sinus cancer I worry that I might have it and any sensation sets off that worry.

The past few days I've been worrying about potentially having a brain tumour. Both of my hands (more so my fingers) shake my right eyelid has drooped slightly (I think) and today I've had a headache for most of the day. I've taken paracetamol with no noticeable change. The area of pressure/ pain has changed. Now it's around both my temples and near the back of my head slightly. I find resting my head seems to ease the pressure slightly. I've also had a loss of appetite the past few days. These symptoms make me very worried that I may have a brain tumour. I've scoured through forums looking for people with symptoms similar to mine. I've also looked at types of headaches (I think I've got a tension headache because I can still walk around and type so I don't think its a migraine).

I'm just posting to see if anyone's had something similar. The difficult thing is that I can't get the idea of having a tumour/cancer out of my mind. I try to reassure my self by saying how unlikely it is but remind my self how people who have cancer probably thought the same thing. I've also been tired recently because I have trouble going to sleep due to the worries (or at least I think) and I end up being tired which worries me further. I also don't want to sleep during the day because I hear that's a symptom of a brain tumour.

At the moment things are bad. I'm seriously concerned and this headache isn't helping. All these other symptoms I notice just make it worse. I'm also too scared to got to the doctor in case they do end up finding something.

Anyway sorry for the long post and would appreciate anyone else's thoughts. Regards, James

08-07-15, 18:45
Hi, the symptoms you have sound very much life hayfever to me. The pollen count of late has been very high and even those who have never had hayfever have been suffering. I have two grandchildren who get hayfever quite badly and they have the symptoms you mention, headache, itchy eyes, swollen sinus glands, sore throat and nose bleeds. You could buy some antihistamine tablets from a pharmacy and see if that helps.

09-07-15, 12:45
Now I'm seriously concerned about a brain tumour. My fingers still tremble slightly at times. For most of the day I have this feeling of pressure on the top right of my head which really worries me. Taking paracetamol hasn't seemed to have had any effect (maybe because it's a feeling of pressure and not pain?) which worries me even more. I also felt this pressure yesterday and I sometimes feel it in different parts of my head in addition to the top right side.

Ever since I've been worried about a brain tumour I've noticed these issues. I also wouldn't say the headache is severe because I can still carry out normal everyday tasks with ease. It's just sort of a thing that's just there. I've told my parents about these issues and they say I should just stop worrying and that if something was seriously wrong they would notice.

If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it. I'm sort of waiting for the headache to ease off because I'm too scared to go to the doctor. It also doesn't help that I've read about people being misdiagnosed with simple ailments when the actually had serious diseases.

Gary A
09-07-15, 13:04
I think you've hit the nail on the head here (no pun intended). You have only noticed this since you started worrying about a brain tumour. Welcome to the wonderful world of self hyper-awareness. Health anxiety has a way of making you notice every sensation, big or small, in your body, and attaching it to the illness you fear.

A feeling of "pressure" in your head is quite typical during anxiety episodes. It can be from tense muscles in your neck and scalp.

Brain tumour headaches are intense, they are constant and they are progressive. They are often worse in the morning, as the headache is caused by the pressure in your skull being raised, and laying down increases this pressure. Also, sneezing, coughing and shouting can make them worse. The most important thing to note is that if you had raised pressure in your skull, you wouldn't only have headaches, you'd be vomiting, nuaseas and drowsy.

What you have is in no way descriptive of a brain tumour headache, it sounds like simple tension headaches to me. Try to stop worrying so much and you'll probably find the symptoms will ease or disappear completely.

09-07-15, 13:55
Thanks for the reply really appreciate it. The areas of pressure in my head keep changing. Now I can feel it on both sides of my head very close to the temples. Earlier I felt it right at the back of my head. I'm not too sure whether or not it feels like a throbbing kind of feeling. With these headaches I don't feel nauseous and I can eat or drink without any issue at the moment. The intensity of it also seems to fluctuate.

This morning I did have a feeling in my stomach, not wanting to be sick or anything. I also had to go to the toilet quite frequently. I'm assuming this is a result of anxiety.

I'm also not too sure over whether my headaches seem to change depending on when I am sitting. I often look forward to going to sleep as that seems to have eased any pressure in my head but am worried that it means I'm suffering from drowsiness.

Gary A
09-07-15, 14:02
These are tension headaches, I'm certain of it.

You really should just go and see your doctor, I would bet my life savings on you having a 5 minute consultation in which you're told that its tension headaches and to take some over the counter pain relief and ensure you don't worry so much.

09-07-15, 14:47
Definitely a tension headache it seems I get them often and it's everything you described. Take Excedrin for tension headaches and you will notice a difference

09-07-15, 14:59
I have been very stressed this past week so makes sense. How long do tension headaches take to develop. Last week I was very worried about the possibility of nasal/ sinus cancer and didn't seem to notice having any headaches. I did have a headache when I was playing cricket the whole day (the weather was hot as hell) but didn't seem to notice when I went in to bat. I've just had some pressure around both of my temples that felt a bit like something pressing against my head.

Problem is when I think about my headache I end up focusing on that one spot which seems to make it worse in that area.

09-07-15, 15:16
I have been very stressed this past week so makes sense.... Problem is when I think about my headache I end up focusing on that one spot which seems to make it worse in that area.

You're basically addressing your own concerns. You're hyper focused on a specific symptom thus making it worse. It's a quintessential behavior of HA.
Stress/tension headaches are one of, if the not the most common type of headache.

Positive thoughts

09-07-15, 21:55
Well my headache appears to have subsided after a number of paracetamol tablets. I was slightly worried about my neck earlier because the muscles felt a bit tight but even that seems relatively ok at the moment even though I can hear it click sometimes when I move it. I also suspect that I might have TMJ because I've been grinding my teeth and my jaw feels slightly fatigued. Just worried about the possibility of waking with a headache. Haven't googled symptoms as much as previous days as far as I can remember but as soon as I think about it I end up feeling unsure.

Gary A
09-07-15, 22:03
Well then don't think about it. You don't have a brain tumour, you don't have nasal or paranasal sinus cancer, you have a few seasonal allergies and a subsiding tension headache.

Put this nonsense out of your head and get yourself some rest, it'll do you the world of good.

09-07-15, 22:28
Yep, what everyone else said. Also notice how the hand tremor got worse the more you worried about it? The fact things weren't as bad at cricket, when your mind was otherwise occupied, is also telling.

10-07-15, 12:16
Didn't wake with a headache and feel better than yesterday. There was a slight pain in my right eye which has now got me worried about my sight and whether it's detiorating. It does improve when I put my glasses on (I just haven't worn them for months). I'd be slightly nervous about going to the opticians as I heard they can diagnose brain tumours that way.

I also thought I could smell smoke very briefly when I was crouching down in the garden. I know there have been a few times when I could smell something that I wasn't sure was actually there. When I lean forward I also end up noticing a bit of pressure in my nasal area and temples. Is this normal?

Anyway I appreciate all the replies I've had so far.

Gary A
10-07-15, 12:21
At the risk of sounding harsh, for the love of God, stop trying to convince yourself that you have something hideously wrong with you.

Go to a doctor and put this stuff to bed, because I promise if you don't, you'll just dig a deeper hole for yourself.

10-07-15, 12:29
Mate you're fine. Stop worrying, get offline and enjoy the ashes. Your lot are going real well. I, on the other hand have every reason to be depressed and anxious! ;-)