View Full Version : Planes. SSRIs and Panic attacks

09-07-15, 01:17
Hey guys, Josh here.

I recently moved to Europe, and to cut a long story short my anxiety got really bad. To the point where I can't even go far from the place I'm staying without having high anxiety.

I've started citalopram 2 weeks, and I also decided to go back to my home country to recover and get treatment.

However, I'm concerned that I will have a panic attack on the plane on the way back. I have a prescription of 1mg Lorepam will that be appropriate?? There would be nothing worse for me (and the people around me) if I have an attack in the middle of a 12 hour flight.


11-07-15, 09:24
Hiya Josh

Maybe you could mention it to the airline or something and they could give you a seat in a good position so if you felt panicky you can be helped without causing any disruption. If the stewardesses know too they can check in on you and be on hand to smoothie things over.

Try not to think about it. Lsten to an audiobook or something. You'll be ok if you feel panicky. Try not to tell yourself that it won't be ok if you get panicky. You'll handle it, it'll be ok. Don't play out disastrous scenarios in your head. It's a panicky feeling that comes and goes. You can handle it. Just calm yourself and put your focus on something else that makes you feel more relaxed. You are in control.

11-07-15, 09:51
Hi Josh
I agree, tell the crew about your concerns. They are trained to deal with many eventualities. I am sure you will be fine. And so what if you freak out a bit.......Yes, some people may think 'weirdo', some will think 'oh dear, I hope that man is ok'. But whatever happens, you will be ok. If you can print off some of the replies you get, maybe it would be good to take them with you and read them if you start to panic, so you are reminded of the people supporting you wherever you are. :hugs:

11-07-15, 13:47
Josh, you couldn't have got any better advice there-and from an actual expert in the field!

I think that you will feel a lot safer all round on home soil. A 12 hour flight must sound daunting but as Paul says, just see the flight in chunks of time with your home goal at the end of it. Use the benzodiazepines to help take the edge off your anxiety and these will help you sleep too.

See the flight as a means to an end

I wish you all the very best

lindy lou 2
11-07-15, 14:06
Hi Josh,you mentioned having a lorazapam, when I had to go for a 2nd ECG after the first being unreadable due to panic, despite having diazapam , but I am used to them & they didnt help, my doctor gave me one 1 mg lorazapam to take an hour before the next test. I felt panicky still when I first took it, convinced it would not work, just as I lay down on the couch, Ifelt it kick in, & my test was perfect ! So yes, I am sure it will help you through the flight. Take heart from all the positive replies you have had, wishing you the best of luck, for your recovery, when you get home.