View Full Version : Health worries

09-07-15, 18:08
This is my post in the symptoms section...

I'm new here.
I've been a worrier pretty much most of my life (I'm 32). It has recently seemed to get worse.
In October/November last year, I woke up feeling dizzy and off balance. This continued for about a week so I went to the local walk-in centre. The doctor there said it looked like I had mild labyrinthitis caused by an ear infection. He prescribed me betahistine which I took but found it didn't really help. About a week later I went to my GP surgery and saw the practice nurse who said my ear still looked a bit red and retracted. A short time after I went back to the walk-in centre as the dizziness was continuing and the doctor said my ear looked ok and that sometimes it could still take a while to get back to normal. I have also seen an ENT consultant who did a few quick checks and didn't seem to find anything wrong!
Since then, the dizziness has been ongoing and I have had a lot of different symptoms which I have struggled to deal with. These include shaking and trembling, sweaty hands, feeling generally under the weather, being clingy with my parents, feeling lonely, crying a lot, tingling sensations, headaches, tight throat like it was swollen, palpitations, fast heart rate, dry retching, twinges in my chest, not wanting to be on my own in case I got worse or died! I have been sleeping well though. Googling symptoms has been a very bad habit!
Recently I've been getting flashes of light in my eyes which im worried is a sign of detached retina. I went to an optician for an eye test and he didn't find anything to be concerned about. These have been happening for a few weeks now so I made another appointment with my usual opticians which I thought was supposed to be today but there appeared to be a mix up and was actually for two weeks time! The lady I spoke said if I'm worried then to go to A&E. When I got back to work I rang the opticians whi carried out the previous test and the optician there rang me back and said there was nothing that indicated any abnormalities and the flashes could just be caused by migraines (although I havent always been getting headaches with them). Also since Sunday I've had bad stomach pains (like menstrual cramp) and have felt sick a few times. I just put this down to the fact that my period is due soon but now I'm concerned it is cervical cancer as I have felt a bit sore down there!
I've had two ECGs done both came back normal apart from high heart rate, first in January was 92, the most recent one was 96! Dr said it is quite high for my age so then I started to worry I was going to have a heart attack and die. I was getting twinges in my chest. She prescribed propranalol which I have taken a few times. The last time I took it in June I didn't notice my heart pounding anymore and haven't since this week.
I have also had blood tests which the doctor has said were normal. Since I found out that my heart rate was 96, I have been quite obsessed with checking my pulse although haven't done it for a while lately.
I haven't had any other tests although I have asked if I should have them and the doctor has said not at this stage. I feel like I should have scans and more tests if only for peace of mind.
I've been seeing a counsellor and a chiropractor and I've got a CBT assessment next week.
Everyone keeps telling me its just anxiety worry and stress causing these things but I can't believe them.
I've booked another appointment with the doctor next week and another appointment with the consultant in two weeks.
The whole thing is driving me crazy and I am scared. It's having an affect on my family too. My mum and dad have been really supportive but tells me there is nothing wrong with me. There are days when I feel almost back to my old self then the next day I feel something and it starts again!
Right now I feel like I want to go to the hospital as I'm worried about my vision.
I don't know what to do anymore. It's like a vicious circle! How can I be totally sure that the physical symptoms and sensations I am feeling are just caused by worry and anxiety?
Sorry for the long post.

Lately, I have found myself really worried about my health as I've been getting lots of physical sensations and symptoms that I have never experienced before.

I seem to get a different sensation every week and I've thought to myself about going to the hospital a few times and mentioned it to my family but then I have never actually gone so I think deep down I know that there is nothing seriously wrong with me but I can't accept it. I sometimes think the doctors aren't doing their jobs properly.

The only tests I have had are blood tests and ECG which were apparently fine apart from my fast heart rate of 96.

09-07-15, 22:34
Can you see how the symptoms cascade, it started with ear infection and dizziness which caused anxiety and then all the other anxiety symptoms cascaded down from there. You really don't need to worry about a heart rate of 96 as this is not very raised for someone who is anxious. Some people have this heartrate when they are not anxious!

If I am in any medical setting my pulse will be between 120 and 150bpm, its always done this and as soon as I am away from medical setting it returns to normal.

An eye exam is a great general health MOT as they can see all sorts of health conditions in the eyes like high blood pressure/diabetes and brain problems so having a normal eye exam is very reassuring.

09-07-15, 23:09
Hi Humbug83!

Ah, reading this reminds me of exactly how I used to feel. Trust me when I say (although not medically trained)- there is NOTHING wrong with you!!! Obviously, you have to see a doctor (Which you obviously have done several times) with these symptoms, but I 100% believe this is just anxiety. How do I know? I've suffered with ALL the symptoms you have mentioned, I was convinced I was dying, chest pains, breathing difficulty's, dizzy spells, amongst other terrifying symptoms, but you know what? I'm still alive 8 years later! AND do not have these symptoms anymore.

It's hard to give advice, as I know the difficulty you feel.

For me, I had to go to every doctor I could, and reach the lowest possible place I could, expecting to die ..but didn't - before I started to climb back up into well-health.

"How can I be totally sure that the physical symptoms and sensations I am feeling are just caused by worry and anxiety? " - You can never be sure. But trust that if there was something wrong, like something seriously wrong (life-threatening) the doctors would NOT be sending you left right and center to try and figure out what was happening; they would know. Its their job! ..And hearing your symptoms, it really is textbook anxiety.

"Googling symptoms has been a very bad habit!" The WORST thing to do! Trust, you won't end up anywhere but A&E. I've had many emergency trips following google searches, and to be fair 99% of the time I've been back home within an hour feeling a bit silly.

Panic/anxiety is so awful to deal with. The worst thing in the world. But, you will get better! And, although it doesn't feel like it now, you will be such an amazing person having gone through it.

Stay strong, you are lucky to have such a supportive family around you.

:) Jennifer

18-07-15, 10:57
Thanks for the replies. Do you think it is worth asking for more tests and scans just to be on the safe side?
I have recently had two eye tests in the space of a month with two different companies. They have both found nothing wrong. I'm still experiencing a pin prick of light flash for a second in various different parts of my vision on and off every day. I don't know what to do!