View Full Version : Symptoms 90% when I'm at home ?!?!?

09-07-15, 18:35
I get up in the morning, I feel a tightness in my back and shoulder blades and I struggle to swallow, it's like when I do my gag reflex takes too long to come back up.

I go to work, spend all day distracted and don't notice.

I get in the car to come home and it immediately starts and proceeds to get worse all evening until it's so horrendous I can't take it anymore. Then I manage to fall asleep and the cycle starts again.

The weekends are a constraint issue and I'm beginning to dread feeling like this as I'm there! - I think it's down to the distraction of being at work that helps.

Does anyone else suffer with symptoms in certain places/situations like this?

Fyi- home life is fantastic and I have a beautiful home and it's the place I feel safest

12-07-15, 02:58
Yep, I am the same. I guess I am not preoccupied at home as I am at work, and my mind is more likely to focus on what is going on inside my body rather than outside it.

16-07-15, 15:12
I've started to feel worse at home both with panic attacks and other physical anxiety symptoms which is annoying as home is meant to be my safe place where nothing can touch me! I think its because like you said, when you're out and about, you have things to distract yourself but at home, you relax and usually for anxiety sufferers when they relax, the mind wanders and ends up bringing on more anxiety and anxiety induced physical symptoms.

16-07-15, 17:19
Yes! I JUST said this to a friend of mine yesterday. I deal with terrible health anxiety and the last couple weeks it's been really really bad. I work from home so I'm at home most days of the week. When the weekends come I NEED to get out of my house. I've gotten to the point that I associate home with feeling terrible and scared. :(

17-07-15, 23:17
Even though yes I get most of my symptoms at home, I like to be as I worry something will when I'm out when I get one of my symptoms, dizziness or when the grounds feels like it's moving when it's not or I just feel weird !!!