View Full Version : White coated tongue/candida not going away

09-07-15, 19:12
I posted a few weeks back about having a white coated tongue along with some bumps on the middle/back of my tongue that I think are raised taste buds? I figured I got them from brushing too hard which maybe I did but they are still there along with the white coated tongue. I bought GNC brand ACV raw, organic, with the mother. I been gargling with it nearly every morning with water. I then follow it up by brushing my teeth and using mouth wash. Once I drink water I get a clean or mostly clean tongue but the next morning it's always back. Last week it seemed like it was healing but now every morning it's a white coating that turns yellow after my morning cup of coffee. I don't know what else to try to get rid of it? I drank the ACV in water a few weeks back but I didn't like drinking the vinegar much with my GERD. I must admit I have not avoided carbs and sugar though I've tried but it's much harder to do than I would expect.

My main worry is why is this not healing? It only makes me more anxious about other worries of mine.

09-07-15, 20:02
A coated tongue is an indicator of candida in your gut, not on your tongue, thus gargling with ACV won't fix the issue. We all have candida in our guts. However, we all have bacteria (good bacteria) to keep it at bay. When we overuse antibiotics, the good bacteria is killed, and we end up with an overgrowth of candia. The way to fix this is to balance your gut. Cut all processed foods and sugar from yiur diet. Anything white feeds candida. Next, take high dose of probitocs. Note...GNC is the worst place to buy supplements. Instead, visit a health food/organic store, or buy brands such as Douglas Labs or pure encapsulations online. You should also add home made bone broths and glutamine powder to your day to feed the good bacteria and heal your gut. Google gaps diet. Not that strict, but along those lines.

Yiur body didn't get to this point over night so it won't heal over night either, especially if u keep feeding the bad bugs. Good luck.

---------- Post added at 14:00 ---------- Previous post was at 14:00 ----------

One more thing...only use Bragg ACV :-)

---------- Post added at 14:02 ---------- Previous post was at 14:00 ----------

Also, adding ACV to orange juice makes it easier to drink

09-07-15, 22:46
A coated tongue is an indicator of candida in your gut, not on your tongue, thus gargling with ACV won't fix the issue. We all have candida in our guts. However, we all have bacteria (good bacteria) to keep it at bay. When we overuse antibiotics, the good bacteria is killed, and we end up with an overgrowth of candia. The way to fix this is to balance your gut. Cut all processed foods and sugar from yiur diet. Anything white feeds candida. Next, take high dose of probitocs. Note...GNC is the worst place to buy supplements. Instead, visit a health food/organic store, or buy brands such as Douglas Labs or pure encapsulations online. You should also add home made bone broths and glutamine powder to your day to feed the good bacteria and heal your gut. Google gaps diet. Not that strict, but along those lines.

Yiur body didn't get to this point over night so it won't heal over night either, especially if u keep feeding the bad bugs. Good luck.

---------- Post added at 14:00 ---------- Previous post was at 14:00 ----------

One more thing...only use Bragg ACV :-)

---------- Post added at 14:02 ---------- Previous post was at 14:00 ----------

Also, adding ACV to orange juice makes it easier to drink

Thanks for the reply. I'll have to give the ACV a try with orange juice and see how I like it. I didn't know anything was wrong with GNC brand since it said organic with the mother but I know Braggs is very popular. Do you know how long it usually takes candida to heal when you follow the diet? I am wondering if the candida is what has been causing me digestive issues, bowel problems, and even spider veins.

09-07-15, 23:40
It could take a while....expect 6 months to a year depending on if you have other factors going on. The probiotcs will help with your Gi issues as well. Very important to starve your body of sugar. Candida feeds on sugar.

10-07-15, 01:21
It could take a while....expect 6 months to a year depending on if you have other factors going on. The probiotcs will help with your Gi issues as well. Very important to starve your body of sugar. Candida feeds on sugar.

Wow this could take awhile then. I have no idea how I'll be able to stay away from all sugar or carbs for that long. I don't even know if this is candida as I haven't had it looked it but I do get the white costing tongue, however it's not fuzzy which I heard some people get with candida. Is it possible I could of had candida before I noticed the white coated tongue and if so how long?

10-07-15, 05:10
There's a Candida self test. First thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything get a glass of water and spit into it. If the spit float and look stringy its Candida. You would be able to look through the glass and see it floating

10-07-15, 19:06
Last night I drank a glass of water with ACV now today my stomach is upset. I feel nausea and I had a cramp in my lower stomach this morning which I think was constipation. I did not eat anything after the ACV with water. Is this normal?

---------- Post added at 14:06 ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 ----------

Here is an update. I did the candida self test and checked every 15 mins for the last hour. I did not test positive for candida which is quite surprising to me. My saliva did not grow legs or sink to the bottom and I don't think it was like specs either just kind of broke up and floated on the top. However I think I'll retest tomorrow because my mouth was kind of dry when trying this and I didn't want to drink anything before trying it so I don't know if dehydration gave a false result. Also I didn't use a clear cup and instead used a plastic cup. Tomorrow I'll retest using a clear glass cup to see.

10-07-15, 20:51
With all due respect Joe, it just seems you're just bound and determined to find something wrong! I'm truly not surprised in the least that this proved to be negative. You didn't have colon cancer nor hepatitis or any other diseases you feared.

I truly believe that when you start treating your anxiety, many of these issues you're worried about will begin to wane.

Positive thoughts

10-07-15, 21:10
With all due respect Joe, it just seems you're just bound and determined to find something wrong! I'm truly not surprised in the least that this proved to be negative. You didn't have colon cancer nor hepatitis or any other diseases you feared.

I truly believe that when you start treating your anxiety, many of these issues you're worried about will begin to wane.

Positive thoughts

Hey Fishman it's good to see you posting its been awhile. I certainly hope you are right and hope you are doing well! I know my tongue every morning has a white coating that turns yellow after my coffee and wasn't there before, but so far it is not proven to be candida so it looks like it might not be after all. I'll retest again tomorrow just to make sure but I'm hoping for another negative result.

11-07-15, 17:33
Well I did the candida test this morning and within about 5 mins I tested positive for Candida which I don't understand because I didn't yesterday, but I guess I was correct about not using a glass cup or being dehydrated. It's pretty disgusting but here are some pics just in case anybody thinks I'm making it up and the fears are only in my head. Look at your own risk, but this is indeed a positive Candida test.


11-07-15, 21:34
With respect, I think the whole theory about candida overgrowth is completely unproven and there is no scientific evidence that this condition even exists apart from in severely immune compromised people (and I mean, people who are undergoing chemotherpay, that sort of thing). I know a lot about this as about 15 years ago I became with the fact that I had this condition. I used to do that spit test, some days it was positive, other days it wasn't. It is not an accurate test. I went on the candida diet, and it made no difference, apart from restricting the nutrients I could consume. I also read heaps of books about it and entered into a whole new obsessive realm of anxiety where I felt like this condition was ruining my life and I would never be healthy again. I then found a brilliant therapist who told me that systemic candida is massively over diagnosed in the alternative health world and I needed to stop worrying about it. I did have repeated bouts of thrush so he put me on a supplement called candi clear and after 6 weeks on that I never had thrush again. I honestly think in my case that my anxiety got a lot, lot worse when I got obsessed with candida and most of my symptoms were psychosomatic.

12-07-15, 00:12
Wow that is good to know that the spit test isn't accurate. I actually read another article too saying that it isn't always accurate. Did you ever find the cause of your candida? I know I read antibiotics and steroids are a common cause but I haven't taken any since December so I would assume I would of had symtoms much sooner wouldn't I? I just want to get rid of this thrush already and it's causing me even more anxiety because I'm fearing the worst. I've already had fears of a weak immune system fearing cancer, liver disease etc and this certainly isn't helping my fears any. I know I 100% have thrush whether or not it's candida or not I'm not sure but I know it's there and has me terrified. Everytime I hear candida and weakened immune system I start to panic and think the very worst.

12-07-15, 08:20
I think thrush is one of those things that's just really common and it can be related to hormone fluctuations in your menstrual cycle. Once you've had it once it can tend to flare up again. There are loads of theories about what causes it but some people are just more prone than others. I think stress can even exacerbate it. The supplement I used was called candi clear by cytoplan. It did get rid of it once and for all after several rounds of anti thrush medication from the Dr had not done the trick. I do think mine was linked to my monthly cycle as it would often flare up in the two weeks before my period.

12-07-15, 18:30
I think thrush is one of those things that's just really common and it can be related to hormone fluctuations in your menstrual cycle. Once you've had it once it can tend to flare up again. There are loads of theories about what causes it but some people are just more prone than others. I think stress can even exacerbate it. The supplement I used was called candi clear by cytoplan. It did get rid of it once and for all after several rounds of anti thrush medication from the Dr had not done the trick. I do think mine was linked to my monthly cycle as it would often flare up in the two weeks before my period.

I'm a male so I'm really curious where this came from and still worry about cancer or my liver. I was thinking yesterday and I haven't taken an antibiotic or steroids since early December. I was thinking of I took any other medication and all I can come up with is taking sudafed and munchinex a few months back when I had a cold. Shortly after that I started having stomach/bowel problems but I'm not sure if a white coated tongue is one of the first signs of candida or a later sign or what.

12-07-15, 21:49
Sorry, I always assume when someone talks about thrush that they are female! Are we talking oral thrush or the more intimate kind? Are you sure it is definitely thrush, and have you had a doctor give you anything for it yet?

12-07-15, 22:36
I've had oral thrush due to H&N cancer treatment several times. It sucks and hurts and it's also very obvious to any medical professional. It's not about spitting in a glass self test via Dr Google.

Certainly, it's possible to have it, If so, it's a simple matter of an anti-fungal.

Positive thoughts

12-07-15, 22:47
Sorry, I always assume when someone talks about thrush that they are female! Are we talking oral thrush or the more intimate kind? Are you sure it is definitely thrush, and have you had a doctor give you anything for it yet?

I have not went to the doctor about it yet as I heard ACV was a good cure for it but I'm not a big fan of drinking the ACV as I have GERD so it makes my stomach feel a little funny and was making me urinate a lot the few times I've used it. However as mentioned in this post gargling with it usually doesn't get rid of it. When it first started the bumps on the middle of my tongue were sore and it hurt to eat. That improved about after a week but the bumps are still there. The thrush some days is worse than others and yeah it's oral thrush. As I mentioned I have no idea how I got it as I haven't taken antibiotics or anything recently and have always had great oral hygiene.

12-07-15, 23:01
It doesn't necessarily have to be oral thrush. There are lots of causes for a sore mouth, maybe go to the Dr and get it checked so you can see for sure what it is. Funnily enough, when I was in my twenties which is some years ago now, I used to get a sore mouth a few times a year when I would get really run down. I have no idea what caused it but it always felt as though I had burned the inside of it with a hot drink (which I hadn't). I used to find that rinsing with a mouthwash really helped. I don't think it was thrush though, I think it was just one of those things or maybe some sort of infection that recurred when I was run down. Oral thrush is quite unusual in adults I think.

12-07-15, 23:09
It doesn't necessarily have to be oral thrush. There are lots of causes for a sore mouth, maybe go to the Dr and get it checked so you can see for sure what it is. Funnily enough, when I was in my twenties which is some years ago now, I used to get a sore mouth a few times a year when I would get really run down. I have no idea what caused it but it always felt as though I had burned the inside of it with a hot drink (which I hadn't). I used to find that rinsing with a mouthwash really helped. I don't think it was thrush though, I think it was just one of those things or maybe some sort of infection that recurred when I was run down. Oral thrush is quite unusual in adults I think.

I hope it isn't candida but it does appear to be thrush to me. The bumps I think came from brushing the tongue too hard but it's no longer painful though the bumps are there and do feel sensitive if I touch them. Doesn't hurt to eat though but every morning my mouth is white coated then turns yellow following coffee. I brush it away and then it will usually be gone for the day but sometimes it does return later in the day. Does oral thrush always mean candida overgrowth or could you have oral thrush for a period of time without candida?

13-07-15, 02:04
Oral thrush can be common in asthma sufferers hence why the inhaler leaflets tell you to clean them often. I've had it a few times in my twenties & thirties but if was quite mild and needed treatment.

Candida overgrowth is just one of the currently unproven conditions which unless there have been medical studies specifically to prove it doesn't exist just means it hasn't been proven. Are there studies to prove it or just to show there is a lack of evidence? There was a lack of evidence for every illness and treatment at some point in history.

Rather than look for possibilities, seeing your GP should be first really.

13-07-15, 04:18
Joe, you really need to stop obsessing. I feel so sorry for you. You were just concerned over a lymph node a couple of days ago, and various other things. You are going to cause yourself an illness with all this constant worry. We all have health anxiety, so I understand what you're going through. I had back to back worries a few years ago. I realized I had to treat my anxiety now! I still have worries but not multiple.

13-07-15, 10:58
I have a yellow coated tongue that somewhat brushes off and somewhat doesn't. It also looks bumpy and furry and a little cracked down the middle :/

13-07-15, 18:26
I have a yellow coated tongue that somewhat brushes off and somewhat doesn't. It also looks bumpy and furry and a little cracked down the middle :/

I don't think anything is wrong with a cracked tongue down the middle. I've had that for several years now where there are cracks in my tongue especially in the middle. I don't think it's an indicater of anything serious. I know because I googled it once and it said its normal and just occurs in some people, no explanation why. I also once has a dentist ask me about 3-4 years ago why I had a dry tongue. I told him I wasn't sure but I have GERD and get a dry mouth easily and he said oh okay that's what it's from then.

16-07-15, 09:16
For candida, I take an amazing grass powder everyday in a glass of water.

It is alkalising. It tastes like pond water and poop but it seems to have helped with the candida.

17-07-15, 06:31
For candida, I take an amazing grass powder everyday in a glass of water.

It is alkalising. It tastes like pond water and poop but it seems to have helped with the candida.

Where can you get grass powder at? I'll have to give it a try. Are you on a special diet or no?

17-07-15, 06:53
If its things like wheatgrass, you can get them in your supermarkets thesedays. But any healthfood shop, online shops like Amazon, etc. Its usually found next to things like spirulina.

17-07-15, 16:59
Where can you get grass powder at? I'll have to give it a try. Are you on a special diet or no?


I am going through a bad patch of not eating at the moment, so no special diet. But i try to take this everyday.