View Full Version : Heart asured but still scared

09-07-15, 22:46
Hi everyone! I'm brand new to the site, I'm 18 years old and my blood pressure is 110/70, I'm in pretty good shape; sometimes I am afraid to exercise due to my heart anxiety. It started about two years ago. I was experiencing palpitations, not that badly but being a sophomore in high school I was really scared. I had really terrible anxiety back then. Well now, all of a sudden it's happening again but worse. I feel thuds in my chest and little skipped beats almost, but sometimes I don't realize until after its happened. I went to the cardiologist again, ekg was normal. I asked my parents to get me a 24 hour monitor, they did. That came back normal; no sign of arrhythmia. What I'm freaking out about now is that I didn't get any palpitations when I was there or on the monitor, so I'm afraid something is really wrong because they never saw it or analyzed what I'm feeling. I told her what it felt like and she said that it could be PACS or PVCS, which she said she wouldn't treat it in my case. I've been stressed because I got one out of the blue yesterday. I wasn't even anxious or anything. I know that stress can cause them but when I got it I was happy and laughing, my stressed. That concerns me a lot! Now, I have been getting them all day and am terrified. I tried to do a little exercise but I got one while doing a plank. I'm so scared and it's hard to believe that I'm fine! Anyone have any tips or have been through this before? I feel like my life is over and I'm only 18:(

09-07-15, 23:22

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

10-07-15, 00:37
You're far from alone with this. It seems like anxiety and heart worries go hand in hand these days and just about all of us have felt like we're going to die or we can't live a normal life anymore. Get an echocardiogram done, that plus the 24 hour monitor will rule out just about everything dangerous. The monitors are analysed by EXTREMELY sophisticated software and trained professionals. It's hard for us to understand the amount of training doctors have gone through, especially specialist doctors such as cardiologists.

There are a few things you can do to help with your palps although some of them won't be easy at your age. I'm only a few years older than you but I believe the sacrifice is 100% worth it to get rid of these things.

Drink plenty of water
Get plenty of sleep
No caffeine
No sodas
No alcohol
No junk food
Your diet should consist of as much fruit and veg as you like, potatoes, rice, nuts, seeds,
pasta, grains and some fish. Limit meat and no dairy.

Find a good magnesium supplement. Swanson Magnesium Malate is good and cheap.

There are so many things that cause PVCs but they are NOT in any way a danger to your life, they just feel horrific but your heart couldn't care less about them. It just keeps on keeping on.