View Full Version : I hate people

10-07-15, 02:34
I really don't want to go out anymore, i don't know what everyone's problem is. People always stare at me and make faces at me, they won't stop. I'm not ugly i don't look any different from others people treat me bad, it makes me feel feel ugly and i see other people get treated like gold why do they get treated good. It must be nice to be able to o anywhere and the world don't try to bring you down and make you feel inferior

10-07-15, 06:06
Long post here, but I really can relate as I used to feel like this as well... like a fish on display in a big fish tank, with the world staring in and judging, etc..... sorry you feel down about the outside!

First off, are you being bullied? I went through that constantly in my school years. If you are, feel confident that nowadays less people are backing bullies and more people are supporting anti-bullying movements and frowning upon bullying. When it affected me, there was no spotlight on the issue at the time. Don't ever let people bully you - it's wrong and sometimes even considered harassment these days in the eyes of the law.

So, I used to hate going into public too. Especially as a teen - I definitely had some social anxiety throughout the years, although I was still pretty outgoing - but selectively I guess you could say. Nowadays, I'm out everyday: one of my two jobs, going to the babysitter's with my daughter, the occasional hanging out with 2 new friends (just moved to a new area by myself), handfuls of customers at a time at work (in the optical field so I deal with A LOT A LOT of people). A couple of years ago I could have never pictured myself interacting with this many people on a daily basis and being okay with it and not thinking "what do they think of me? are they looking at me funny? they think i'm a loser?". While it's still mildly uncomfortable, I look back on my scared and anti social days and go WOW. And the truth is, people still make me feel inferior at times or try to bring me down and sometimes I do question social public settings and sometimes I do feel like I'm in a fish tank - stuck - and sometimes I do cry (now a days it's only occasional unruly mean customers at work or some grouchy bus drivers that make me feel like crap for a minute).

100% of people will never treat you 100% sadly - no matter how nice or good of a person you are. There are those that will however. Truth is there are a lot of cold hearted people out there still, but there are also A TON of well meaning amazing warm-hearted people out there as well. Don't let the mean, staring & judgemental folks make you feel there's no good out there and definitely don't let anyone make you feel inferior. You are not inferior. I know it's hard to just ignore it - I definitely found it hard to ignore in high school, college and previous jobs and social situations in my very early 20s - but now at 29 - I could care 0% what others think of me most times; my looks, my clothes, my opinions, my attitude, my lifestyle, my beliefs or anything for that matter. Some things do still get to me, like hurtful things said to me in the past or present, but I'd say I've gotten a ton better and just ignore it/let it roll right off my back like nothing- and you will too.

Don't stop going out - I did that in the fall of 2008 into the winter of 2009 - didn't leave the house but to get cigarettes or food around the corner or food shop at night - due to mainly anxiety but also due to anxiety of people and public places - home was my safe place. I can't imagine having been stuck there forever. And truth is, when you leave your home or safe place, you'll find a ton of people have a ton of problems - but they're their problems - not yours and not problems or attitudes that they should be projecting onto you, making you feel bad. Try to just keep your chin up, say "screw them" in your head and if you're happy with you, then again - screw them. If anyone treats you the opposite of gold or the opposite of how they'd want to be treated, it's honestly because they are just insecure with themselves and need to make another feel bad to make themselves feel better. I know that growing up as a kid in the 80s we were told "just ignore them" and "sticks and stones will break my bones by names will never hurt me" by our parents. Back then I thought it was silly and totally counter productive - the truth is though - the more you ignore things or people - the more they back off/the less satisfaction they get out of what they're saying, doing or how they're affecting you. Once you stop showing people that they affect you negatively, the better it gets. I'm still learning myself at times, but yes - it gets better. Feel better! Just be you and ignore the ignorant stares, comments or judgements. In the end, do they REALLY know YOU? Nope! :D

05-08-15, 05:12
Hm, I can't explain why you feel like people are treating you like that.

But I know how it feels to feel... kind of... like the world is somehow rejecting you.

I'm happy I have this forum to be honest - this community is great for not feeling alone!

And I'm sure that if you go outside and try to be positive surely people won't be that bad!

Although it can depend exactly where you live o.O