View Full Version : Anxious Today...

10-07-15, 10:08
Hello, well I've been doing well lately, my main problem was insomnia and I'm sleeping well now, coming down off meds (was on 50mg Trazodone and reducing by 5mg per week, now on 20).

It could be side effects of coming down or the fact I'm back at the dentist tomorrow for root canal treatment, or a combination of the 2.

But just feeling tense/anxious and I don't like it! :(

10-07-15, 10:18
Hi Crystal,

Did you feel a bit like this the other day?

Trazadone doesn't have anxiety listed as a side effect but has nervousness in the Less Common category so its possible but I would be thinking its a bit of both if this were the case.

On yer bike...might be a good suggestion. Some fresh air & distraction might help to take your mind off it and work a bit of the adrenaline and emotion out of you.

10-07-15, 11:32
Hi Terry, yes I did feel like this the other day, in fact I've had it on and off all week really but it felt quite intense this morning.

Trazodone has made me very anxious in the past and when I started to come down off it but was hoping that was behind me. Dentist is definitely making me nervous!

Feel a bit better now and going to get ready to go out on my bike.

Think I'll feel a lot better when this tooth is sorted out!

Distraction is definitely key, just been at my sons assembly and feel much better now than I did before I went.

Will post after my bike ride hopefully feeling even better!!

10-07-15, 11:40
There you go then, you can push through it.

Just see it as a bit of a wobble and challenge it as you did before as no one likes going to those places let alone when you know its going to be more than just a clean up. Recognise its just a slighty more intense version of what you have already seen this week, probably because it has been delayed and its allowed a build up of anxiety.

Enjoy your ride, it should be nice weather for it!

10-07-15, 12:06
Oh crystal sorry to hear you not feeling good again..i hope your sleeping continues to improve...could be you are thinking about your dentist.going out on your bike is a good idea..take your mind off things,esp while the weather is dry and warm..

10-07-15, 13:11
Thanks both, just back ftom my bike ride, always good to get out!

Yes it's a lovely day, can't say my anxiety has gone completely but definitely lessened.

Will do some deep breathing and relaxation and keep going with the CBT stuff!

10-07-15, 13:25
Lovely weather out there today,a bike ride sounds nice,free as a bird..thats it do some relaxation now and try to calm that anxiety..

10-07-15, 13:35
Thanks Greg, how are you at the moment?

10-07-15, 13:44
Chrstal pritty much the same as my usual self.dull flat anxious..so far that theropy has not helped..i start my NHS theropy in 1 and half weeks...see qhat happens...you got any plans for your weekend...

10-07-15, 13:54
Oh sorry you're not feeling any benefits yet greg, hopefully soon...!

What is the NHS therapy is that CBT?

Yes we are out tonight at a quiz, tomorrow I have the dentist so will have to see after that..

Sunday into london. How about you?

Totally forgot to ask where in Herts you are?

---------- Post added at 13:54 ---------- Previous post was at 13:52 ----------

My main problem. I am not sleeping well.

Oh dear, it is awful not sleeping, had a horrendous time this last few months, you have my sympathies!!!

10-07-15, 14:40
The free stuff is one to one in my home..not cbt..sounds like your weekend is sorted..i live in hemel hempstead...

---------- Post added at 14:40 ---------- Previous post was at 14:36 ----------

No plans this weekend,just a trip into town sat and i think they say rain for sunday,so a day in doors

10-07-15, 14:50
Ah you're only down the road haha! There are some lovely places around Hemel, Ashridge forest is beautiful! Prob too far for you to walk, maybe you could pick up a bike on freecycle? Does you the power of good!!

Well enjoy the sunshine while it lasts then!

That's good that someone will come to your home for therapy, hopefully something will work for you and it's coming up soon so a new focus too.

10-07-15, 15:33
Thanks crystal ..yep ill look out for a bike ,be nice to get out a bit further afield from my local shops.lol...have a nice weekend...speek to you latters

11-07-15, 08:40
Well after a fab night out last night... I didnt sleep! :( I'm so anxious this morning about the dentist. Just can't relax and now sleep deprived too. Today should be fun... !

11-07-15, 15:13
Back from the dentist. An hour and a half of root canal treatment. Feeling sore, but proud of myself! Have to go back next week for a second lot but I did it, it wasn't nice and it wasn't comfortable but I did it. He said the worst is over, thank goodness for that!

So tired after not sleeping last night... But very relieved!