View Full Version : Werid Sleep :( sympton

10-07-15, 11:27
Well as i though starting get control my life again i got stung in the ass big style.... i was suppose go back to work and regain my life

Last night i was trying get too sleep and ive had this before but this so much more worst... felt like extreme fatigue as i fell asleep i couldnt move as felt terrified i was awake but wasnt with it felt asif i was doped up with morphine or something, internally shaking afterwards and felt confused and scared, so bad infact i didnt fall asleep till 7am when i was suppose too get up.

The scary bit is i remember odd bits but not fully like i wasnt me and today my shoulders ache i just want hide away i feel like my life is now F:mad:ked, 8 months of this now granted its better then it was but i cant even get too a job - fine with the interview but god knows i was worried that couldn't get too sleep or going be tired tomorrow not actually worried about the job :/ neither was i excited i got it or was going too start ( am dettached from my feelings most the time )

anyone shed some light ill be most thankful :( first thread in MONTHS :'(

10-07-15, 11:36
Hi Boydo,

Congratulations on the job mate. :yesyes:

I guess it could be some panic but if you were not having any issues with anticipatory anxiety, then it could perhaps be hypnagogia. Within hypnogogia you can experience quite a few things, some of which people mistake for signs of schizophrenia, but they are all known and all part of normal functioning and not an issue to treat.

Sleep paralysis is seen within this too and that includes additional sensations, sounds or even visions.

Here is the Wiki on it which gives a good explanation:


So, it could just be that and then your reaction to it with panic or anxiety kept you awake as it was a scary experience. If thats the case, then it make not happen again so perhaps keep an eye on it, don't invite anxiety & panic back and keep pushing forward in your recovery.

(why do none of us ever get the orgasmic one mentioned???!!! :roflmao:)

10-07-15, 12:16
thanks for congratulations but i didnt go in this morning as i didnt wake up :/ now am left anxious and high rated, there not rang me so guess there dont care but i think may rushed into it abit by looks of it..........

it was horrid it happens once in awhile and last night just tipped me over felt drunk or something was horrendous ! thanks for the reply as always your a star i looked up SP but couldnt understand how it happened if ive not fully gone too sleep

10-07-15, 12:28
It can happen when trying to fall asleep, waking within the first couple of hours or when waking normally. It nasty happens and it can common but we tend to react more anxiously and analyse the threat as usual and make ourselves worse.

You still got the job and that's a big anxiety problem for many so its still an achievement.

Try to see it as a bit of blip. It's not like you had been anxious for days about starting the job and that shows you do have a lot of control over it all, it just caught you out.

When I went back to work after being of a year, I was shaking and had to suck it up to get into the building.