View Full Version : stress stopped me eat

10-07-15, 11:49
I need help. I currently am struggling with stress that causes me stomach pains. I feel hungry, but as soon as I eat I feel full.
And I can't eat and it causes frustration in the family, because it has been re-occurring for like countless times over the years and the fact that I never knew what triggered it in the first place.
there are times that I can eat perfectly normal but at times it occurred I just have a hard time stopping it until it goes away after some more fights...
I just want to stop this to happen ever again.

10-07-15, 11:57
I feel for you at the mo as am having simular things happen to me have u been to docs about your symptoms?

10-07-15, 12:09
I haven't been to any doctors due to my family rendered me as a lost cause bcs it's been happening year after year and recently it happened so often that I felt hopeless.
I always feel hungry before I eat but as soon as I saw the food I feel nauseous and I just don't feel like eating much.
My family is so frustrated about this bcs I'm already so thin to begin with so I don't have the option to say "I'm not hungry."

10-07-15, 13:28
Hi Natasha.

I have had this in the past and have it sometimes lately too.

What I find helps is if I distract myself whilst I'm eating, like now I'm writing to you whilst eating a bowl of pasta but I'm not focussing on eating I'm focussing on what I'm writing so I don't really think about it.

I'm also underweight and have to make sure I eat regularly even if I don't feel like it.

Could that work for you do you think? X

10-07-15, 14:51
Hi there.
I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one with this problem...
I always thought I was bcs no one have the same problem where I live.
I'd like to do that, but my dad always force me to concentrate to my food if he saw me eating so slow.
In fact I tried bringing comic book and such but he confiscated it until I'm done eating. So yeah :(

10-07-15, 16:03
Oh dear Natasha, does your dad know about your problem?

Maybe you can just think about something then, try to go into your own little world?

Or maybe you could just talk to your dad... Good luck! X

10-07-15, 16:38
He does, he just couldn't understand why I kept getting the trouble over and over again.
He just can't see why I can't just eat normally like others, and honestly, I don't know why too.
It sucks whenever it comes back :(

14-07-15, 05:16
Do a blood test for food intolerance. Also do antibodies for lactose and gluten, also from your blood. While waiting for your tests to be done, start by testing one by one type of food.

For 15 days - stop eating anything with milk in it. That means anything. Cheese, yogurts, butter, pastry with milk products, pastas, pizzas, even mayonese, ice cream, all kinds of creamy cheese or creams, sweets and cakes.

If your stomack cramps get better, or stop - you are probably lactose intolerant. If not, you should start a new test - gluten intolerance.

Same period of time, cut off all gluten products. There are so many gluten food, so you should use google or wiki to properly study gluten. But when you do, start avoiding it at all cost. 15 days at least.

If cramps are persistent, then you should visit gastroenterologist who will determine if you maybe have irritable bowel syndrom and the trigger is mostly stress. If so, you will have to find out what causes you so much stress.

It's a path. And it's long. But you will have your life back if you find out what it is. Doctors are not very constructive when it comes to IBS. Because every organism has it's on problems. What work for others, may never work for you, or could make your problem even more serious. So you have to be your own doctor for the first time and please have patience. These rhings always resolve.

I think you are intolerant of some foods but because you dont't know which one is it, you constantly intake it and slowly make the inflamation of your colon bigger. Thats why your stomack hurts from time to time. It takes time for inflamation to go away, so you must avoid food that irritate it.

Try it. Thats the first step in self-help when it comes to stress related pains. Be well :)

lindy lou 2
14-07-15, 10:38
I have had this since I was diagnosed with IBS at 28, I am now 59.
Sometimes I have what I call "false hunger " I feel hungry all of the time but then feel full as soon as I start to eat. Have you had any tests done ? You could try Buscopan for IBS, sorry to ask, but does this go along with either constipation & or diarhoea ? That is usually a sign of IBS.
Do you know what is stressing you at these times ?:hugs: