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View Full Version : pains in shoulder muscles

02-02-07, 03:09
hi aly again. forgot to mention b4 has any 1 had pain in the muscles going from their neck to their shoulders? i get them relly bad especially when ive had a drink! Ive told friends and family but they say its just tension. Its not an ache tho thats normally related to tension. Its a pain. Any1 else had this? xx

02-02-07, 06:49
I do get aches there, Aly, and they shoot down like someone is hitting me from my neck to between my shoulder blades. I've noticed it's worse when I'm very stressed out, so I think it's tension. I've had an MRI done, and it didn't reveal anything abnormal, so it is possible to have those pains and not have anything wrong :). Try applying a hot water bottle to the area and see if that helps any. Take care,

“Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.”

02-02-07, 22:49
yes and when ive has a drink my arms always get like heavy achy feeling too