View Full Version : Seizures/brain tumour???

10-07-15, 16:38
This is a long post so apologies in advance. I'm seriously terrified...

Recent symptom history

General feeling of nausea a lot of the time. Migraines several times per month. Two months worth of increase body twitching in my legs, arms, torso, hips and eyes. Heart palpitations and rhythm disturbances for which I have had several ECGs and a Holter Monitor. Also a history of what has been described as Benign Positional Vertigo but I have never felt nauseous with this before and only really lasts a few hours maximum, not disabling as what I have experienced this week. Complete exhaustion. Hypnagogic jerk type sensation during the day when sitting still - incidence x 2. I've also been experiencing a feeling of pressure (not pain) inside my skull, at least once a day and shooting pains going up the sides of my skull which feel external. On a couple of occasions have felt as though I can't take in what is being said to me and not really being 'with it' - mainly after sleepless nights. Also had very detached sensations and feeling faint. Also have a 6month history of what I've been told are night terrors - waking up not knowing which way up I am laying in bed, saying strange things in my sleep, seem like confusional arousals - I remember the episodes clearly after waking in the morning, they normally last a few moments and can happen several times a night in the first two hours of me being asleep. Could these also be seizures?

Thursday July 2nd 2015

Awoke in the middle of the night shaking. I put this down to anxiety and a stressful week. Noticed nerve pain in neck.

Friday 3rd July 2015

Feeling extremely exhausted and took the day off work. At around 10am I began to feel faint and became a little disorientated/my depersonalization became worse. I couldn't stand for more than a few seconds without feeling as though I was going to collapse. Mum took me to A&E where they did ECG as were concerned about my heart, this was clear, I was told my symptoms were anxiety and sent home. Later that night at around 10pm I was sat watching a film on the sofa when a wave of fear hit me out of nowhere, I instantly felt nauseated and very close to passing out, on standing I felt heavy like I was passing out and my vision went funny. I then had to run to the toilet and experienced five episodes of diarrhoea over the next hour. I went to lay down as I was shaking and felt hot and sick. With a wet flannel on my head and a fan I managed to get to sleep. Stiff neck, very painful.

Saturday 4th July 2015

I still felt unwell in the morning and noticed urinary frequency and burning on passing urine. I visited the walk in the centre and they tested my urine which showed increased blood and leukocytes. They advised I have a UTI and gave me a 3-day course of Nitrofurantoin. I went out Saturday evening to an outdoor orchestra with family - towards the end of the evening 10pm I started to feel extremely dizzy which continued until after I arrived home at 11pm. This then developed into severe unrelenting vertigo accompanied by extreme nausea which lasted through the night, after a couple of hours sleep I woke up with the vertigo again. Neck felt very swollen.

Sunday 5th July 2015

I felt exhausted and nauseated by the vertigo all day and had to rest on the sofa, I drifted off to sleep several times for a few minutes before waking myself up. Every time I tried to focus my eyes on something I felt nauseous.

Monday 6th July 2015

Still feeling under the weather but less vertigo, didn't want to be alone so sat with my dad all day at his work.

Tuesday 7th July 2015

Went to hospital to have Holter Monitor fitted due to recent history of palpitations, then went to work all day as per usual. Woke up in the night feeling short of breath and very tired and confused.

Wednesday 8th July 2015

Dropped off 24 hour monitor back at the hospital, felt utterly drained and exhausted. Went straight into work but had to get picked up an hour later and taken home due to shortness of breath, chest pain, exhaustion. Went to the Drs to check if I still had a UTI and was concerned the Nitrofurantoin was causing me chest pain. Dr listened to my chest and said was all clear, also tested my urine and this was also clear. Got home and rested for the evening. While sat watching television I had another 'strange episode' similar to that of last week, feeling all of a sudden very uneasy, started feeling very faint and hot and had two episodes of diarrhoea. I then started shaking and muscles felt tense, this lasted for 20 minutes until I stopped shaking. I then went to bed and sleep through the night.

Thursday 9th July 2015

Visited my GP to discuss history of twitching, jerking, vertigo and 'strange turns'. Dr recommended blood tests to check biochemistry on Monday 13th July 2015 at 8.10am. She also suggested an eye test as I explained I was concerned that I was having seizures during these episodes because of a possible brain tumour. Had a routine eye examination at my opticians at midday after visiting GP, they confirmed prescription and sight had not changed since January, he could not see any pressure behind my eyes and could not see an inflamed optic nerve, also tested pressure in my eyes with a puff of air and assured me this was also normal. Feeling unsteady on feet and tense muscles since arriving home. Visible muscle twitching mainly in my legs and stomach which is consistent with the last few months of feeling this constantly.

I'm terrified I'm having seizures caused by a brain tumour :( I'm meant to be going travelling for 3 months come August 2nd and I just want a brain scan now before I go. Feel like crying.

Gary A
10-07-15, 16:53
I think you're suffering panic attacks. The very fact you've made this list suggests that you're paying your health very close attention. Nothing you've described sounds like siezure activity, and in fact is actually pretty dead on descriptions of panic attacks. Muscle tension, chest pain, blurred vision, dizziness etc, all classic symptoms of panic attacks.

Also keep in mind that siezures generally only last around 2-5 minutes, any longer and immediate medical attention is required. Your episodes are lasting 20 minutes to hours, there's just no way a siezure would last this long.

You've also gotten some pretty good assurance as far as your eye examination goes.

10-07-15, 16:58
This sounds like me when I'm having a bad period of anxiety and panic attacks.

Not quite sure where you're getting seizures from?

10-07-15, 17:53
I agree that it sounds like a panic attack. When I get them, I start shaking uncontrollably and get nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea. They can last a very long time for me, and often for me the shaking doesn't completely disappear until a couple hours later. The fact that your eye examination was normal and that the doctor does not seem concerned are all very good things. These episodes really sound like panic attacks, not seizures at all:)

10-07-15, 19:51
Thanks for all of your replies guys, makes me feel a little better.

Liv - Do you get them when just sitting quietly enjoying a film or TV show? It doesn't happen when I'm feeling anxious they're just completely at random.

10-07-15, 20:56
Yes almost every time get them I am feeling completely calm and at ease. All of a sudden my heart will start racing and I'll start shaking uncontrollably. It happened to me one time when I was sitting on my couch watching TV. Nothing was making me anxious, like you said they are very random.

11-07-15, 12:44
All your symptoms are just like mine, a wave of nausea, hot flushes, neck pain, dizziness, I get them all. It's awful what anxiety does to you. And of course your mind races thinking something awful is going on! You will also be feeling very sensitive to every twinge and niggle. This in turn fuels your anxiety and gives you even more symptoms, it's like being stuck in a vicious circle. Your body is in fight or flight mode at the moment and pumping out lots of adrenaline, this is what causes you to feel so unwell. Has you gp spoke to you about anxiety? Maybe medication will help and of course some therapy, I'm still on a waiting list, but with meds I'm getting there. Your definitely not alone xx