View Full Version : soooooo tired all the time!.. :( anyone else?!

10-07-15, 22:18
Hi guys,

I'm slightly getting worried about my tiredness!.. at first i thought it was due to still having some excess weight from having my son last year and not exercising so i changed those, lost the excess lbs from eating healthy, taking vitamins and exercising an hour a day BUT i'm still totally exhausted i get 7-8 hours sleep a night so why am i still so tired?!.. as soon as i wake up i'm tired and i find myself nodding off if my sons napping.. just feel so weak!..

Any advice?!... or pick me up tips?

Cheers guys :)

10-07-15, 22:41
Might be the hot weather , i feel tired all the time but i am 50 lol and post menopause which causes me extreme tiredness .

Have you had a blood test to check you're not anemic ?

10-07-15, 22:46
As feelthelove says, have you a blood test? I was very anaemic during pregnancy and after giving birth I was so low in iron I had to have Iron IV's. I was always very very tired xx

10-07-15, 23:10
Thanks for the replies ladies :) it might just be the 2 kids tiring me out lol.. i haven't had bloods since just before i gave birth (june last year) i checked my eyes they seem a healthy colour thats why i ruled out anemia.. but guess it wont hurt to see a doc and ask for some to be taken. I try to avoid the docs now as a few years ago i had really bad health anxiety and was in and out the docs all the time lol.. since then when i make an appointment and tell my other half he starts dalling me stupid and wasting my time. Grrrr.. baring in mind i haven't made a docs app for a very long time now well apart from talking about and organising a form of birth control!.. xx

11-07-15, 19:45
Have you had a thyroid blood test as whenever there is hormonal upheaval like puberty/pregnancy/menopause this can cause your thyroid to become underactive. Weight gain/tiredness are most common symptoms.

You could ring your Drs and ask if you have had this tested and if not then I would def advise you to ask for this to rule it out completely. Its easily fixable if you do have it and nothing to worry about.

I used to work as advisor for thryoid advice charity.

12-07-15, 21:46
Do you know if you snore? Could be snoring keeping you from getting restful sleep. Also, having two kids, one of them being only 1 year old, do they wake you up at night often?

14-07-15, 22:34
I had my thyroid tested around 2 years ago all was fine :)

rsanchez i don't snore unless i have a cold or something also my babies sleep 8pm-8am so no waking up for me :) i usually get around 7-8 hours a night thats why i'm mythed as to why i feel so tired all the time :/