View Full Version : Is this a flutter?

10-07-15, 22:55
I have a long sorry about my heart worries, but right now I'm worried about an event that just took place. I was lying down, relaxing, and all of a sudden I got this tingly, tickly feeling in the center of my chest for about 3 seconds. Then I was fine, shaken but fine. It almost felt like my heartbeat went crazy for a sec. Is this a "flutter?" Is it dangerous?
Btw...36yo male, about 30 lbs overweight, clean bill of health including stress test and EKG about 8 months ago.
Anyone else experience this?
I'm almost inclined to think it's an indigestion thing!

10-07-15, 23:39
Sounds like some of the ones I get, I also get them when I least expect them, totally relaxed, not anxious about anything at all. You notice them much more like that though as your heart rate is slower.

11-07-15, 13:09
I have a long sorry about my heart worries, but right now I'm worried about an event that just took place. I was lying down, relaxing, and all of a sudden I got this tingly, tickly feeling in the center of my chest for about 3 seconds. Then I was fine, shaken but fine. It almost felt like my heartbeat went crazy for a sec. Is this a "flutter?" Is it dangerous?
Btw...36yo male, about 30 lbs overweight, clean bill of health including stress test and EKG about 8 months ago.
Anyone else experience this?
I'm almost inclined to think it's an indigestion thing!

Yep, quite a few people experience these kinds of chest flutters, skipped/extra beats etc. I get them too occasionally. They are normal and not dangerous the vast majority of the time. Some people get them singularly - and some people get couplets and triplets of them occurring - which can feel alarming, but they are still normally not dangerous. Some people get them and don't feel them - and others are very aware of them happening for some reason.