View Full Version : Skin cancer worrys

10-07-15, 23:55
Have absolutely had enough of worrying about skin cancer, I sit in the bath as it's as if I get bored and look at a mole on back of my leg and think wow that's dark never seen that before and then send myself in panic mode as most of moles are light brown as this one is darker brown lol, I'm such a weirdo then I google more things and des myself in this stupid rut I hate my moles etc now I'm so overly aware I'm sure they are all fine but feel as if I need checking all over lol, really hope my cbt helps me this is like a panic obsession now , I was so focused on 1 on my shoulder to be told it's fine by doctors now I have forgot that and moved on to another new mole lol I hate ittttttt

11-07-15, 00:00
And when this one turns out to be fine, new one will appear etc. and it will continue until you stop obsessing about them.
You can choose to go once a year to a regular checkup and that's the most time you should devote to moles on your body. ;)

11-07-15, 00:34
I had the same problem earlier this year. I was examined by three GPs and a skin cancer specialist. No referrals, I just sought them out because I was so scared. I spend a lot of time outdoors and I live in the skin cancer capital of the planet.

The skin cancer guy looked me over and said I would probably never get a melanoma, even if I tried. I tan easy.

Anyway he said what I and everyone else needs to look out for is spots and moles that grow after they appear. So what I did was measure all the ones that worried me, wrote down the results and made a note to measure again in two months.

Since doing that, I haven't worried about skin cancer. Amazing seeing as though I was absolutely fixated with it a few months ago, and was convinced I had at least three melanoma.

11-07-15, 07:53
It's horrible worrying I would love to be how i used to be and not worry about anything health related , I'm sure it's ever since I had kids I become a weak person and just worry about leaving them by a horrible illness lol # such a weak person lol

11-07-15, 08:11
Nothing weak about caring for your kids or having health anxiety. I know mine wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if my kids weren't in the equation.

Ultimately CBT is likely to be the best way out of this for you. If a personal program isn't an option for whatever reason, I highly recommend the free health anxiety modules available online from the western Australian Centre for clinical interventions. Just google and you should find them. I would post a link but I am on my phone at the moment and don't know how to do it on this.

But please try them, they really helped me understand what this beast of a disorder is about, how it starts, feeds itself and makes you feel. I will guarantee you feel better if you commit to it. Just try and get past the schmaltzy clip art!

11-07-15, 09:09
thanks, I start my first cbt appointment on monday 13th july, Hoping it will help me i got refered for it before, But i ended up stopping after 3 meetings after i had a camera through the throat and showed i ddint have throat cancer lol and i thought that be end of it but she was right she said it will come back grrrrrr definately gonna stick with it this time