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View Full Version : Spring weather is doing my head in!

02-02-07, 11:04
Is it just me or does the sudden change in the weather which we seem to be experiencing here down South affect other people too? It happens every year when we have the first spring-like day - terrible change in my sense of 'stability'. I feel overwhelmed with depression, very nervous, and very fatigued. On the continent it seems to be an acknowledged condition - 'Spring tiredness' - but I don't find any reference to it here. I would love to be reassured that I'm not imagining it, though I feel so ghastly that I hardly care what anyone else thinks today! Any suggestions?

02-02-07, 11:38

I must admit that I feel far more upbeat when spring comes.

It is lovely to see the sun out today and have the back doors open and fresh air in the house.

It makes me feel much happier about things so sorry to hear it makes you feel worse.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

02-02-07, 12:16
hi janey
I tend to agree with you Nic even though i got the kids off school poorly the weather makes you feel better even took them out for a brief walk to get some fresh air as theyve been in all week.
Hope youre feeling better Janey
Take care

02-02-07, 12:28
I have positives and negatives for both spring/summer and autumn/winter


Great for tucking up all cosy at home but bad cos I can tend to hibernate if I'm not careful. Although I am encouraged to get out because it goes dark so early (this agoraphobic does so much better in the dark) and can even make the shops before they close at this time of year!!!

I also somehow don't feel the pressure to be out enjoying the weather somehow which takes away alot of tension. Downside I can find Xmas really stressful despite trying not to but on the whole winter definately works for me!!


Downside and the upside are the lighter nights - harder for me to get out under the cover of darkness but warmer and more pleasent when I do!! Love the lighter nights sat in the garden and day feels so much longer.

I love warm weather but loathe hot weather - I hate feeling sticky and too hot as that can make me feel panicky. Love laying in the garden wriggling my toes in the sun.

People ask me to do more in the summer and if I'm not upto it this means making some weird and wonderful excuse not to (and getting more and more weird and wonderful as time goes on).

However this year I have decided to tell most people why and not make excuses up anymore so I'm hoping for less pressure that way.

Lastly I adore spring not only cos it's my birthday but the sight of the first daffodil poking through is ever a delight for me!!! I honestly think I was a daffodil in a previous life (long green body with a big yellow head) :D:D:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-02-07, 13:00

Makes me feel better too.

Sarah x

02-02-07, 13:34
Hi My moods always seem to lift when its sunny out side.I like to get cleaning,get in the garden.And like Nic open all the windows.I love to take the dogs on long walks when its so nice.The wet cold days make me down and depressed.
But I like cold frosty days to so I can sit in front of the fire,and snuggle up to my doggies.:)
I find the winter months make me more depressed.:(

Ellen XX

02-02-07, 17:31
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Is it just me or does the sudden change in the weather which we seem to be experiencing here down South affect other people too? It happens every year when we have the first spring-like day - terrible change in my sense of 'stability'. I feel overwhelmed with depression, very nervous, and very fatigued. On the continent it seems to be an acknowledged condition - 'Spring tiredness' - but I don't find any reference to it here. I would love to be reassured that I'm not imagining it, though I feel so ghastly that I hardly care what anyone else thinks today! Any suggestions?

<div align="right">Originally posted by janey50 - 02 February 2007 : 11:04:57</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Yep I felt totally the same today, It was a glorious day here today, I always feel worse on bright sunny days anyway, its due to a habit, I had my first panic attack while outside on a warm summers day, so anytime its a nice sunny day it brings back all those old feelings I had on that day I had the attack

A happy person is fully caught up in the moment --and is not thinking about the past or the future.

02-02-07, 17:51
I love the Spring, once I've got over a few days of the jitters! It's just some sort of physical adjustment that throws me for a bit. It's been a real weepie today and I've needed lots of sleep! Thankyou, Piglet, for your encouragement, and all the rest of you too. Yeah, I too love to walk round the garden and look at all the buds forming and the daffs poking up, and the birds are singing their socks off here in Kent. It's horrible when you can't get on top of a really 'down' feeling, despite it being fine outside, and I've been longing for the grey days to pass.

02-02-07, 20:30
Janey, I have the same thing. I have what I call my March Crash. I've dreaded spring since i was a kid because it hits a certain temperature and I go mad. [:I]

02-02-07, 21:01
I don't find that a clear blue sky makes any difference to me now, although I used to be so happy when the first day of spring came through.

What I can't cope with is the cold weather or the hot weather - I find my sensitive skin makes me feel even more nervous. Even the recent chilly afternoons have had an effect on me when I've been outside.

So the comfortable spring temperatures will be ideal for me! I'm looking forward to April and May especially when the extremes are likely to be absent!



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers