View Full Version : Obsessing over thoughts

11-07-15, 08:02
do you ever just spiral into anxiety or panic because your mind is just going over the top thinking irrational things? It can literally be thinking about a spec of dust and then suddenly you start to think how scary it is how weird it is and you just get terrified.
I've been having it a lot lately and I'm wondering if I'm losing my mind? Everything scares me. Everything gets thought into massively and physically makes me ill. The sky, the floor, noises,everything seems so weird and makes me just feel paralysed to my bed in fear.

---------- Post added at 08:02 ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 ----------

Am I becoming schizophrenic? It feels that way.

11-07-15, 16:14
I know what you're feeling, it's truly terrible. From time to time I still kinda feel that way.

11-07-15, 18:29
its what happened to me mate its horrible and i still have it now not as bad but it will clear up overtime lots of exercise and being active helps i was againest all that few months ago as i was so low and stuck my thoughts from time to time i still get it and i will play mind games thinking is my memory as good etc ..... truely terrifying concept but live each day as it comes and try fill it up with distractions

11-07-15, 20:35
I'm just going through the same once again. It does come and go and any distraction does really help. Try not to fight the thought, it is only a thought which we have every day it's just these thoughts are distressing and we try to find a reason to why we are thinking this way which doesn't help and keeps the thoughts and anxiety going. The irrational thoughts will fade if you don't give them the fuel they feed off. My irrational thinking always goes into over drive around death having thoughts that I shouldn't be here and it's my turn to die, I always think people who have committed suicide have had thoughts like this and that's why they have carried it out, it scares me to death thinking this way, this is the reason why I think it always comes back to this thought. Sorry to anyone reading this who as lost someone to suicide and I'm sure I am way off the mark and there suffering was much much deeper. I apologise . I am trying to explain and hopefully give myself a bit of peace for writing it down. I've had irrational thoughts on and off now for over 23 years following post natal depression and during high stress or pms they come back. Trying hard to follow my own advice not to give the thought fuel but is very hard. :blush: