View Full Version : Here I go again!

02-02-07, 11:19
Since early January I have had a pain in my neck when I turn my head and on examination I think I can feel a hard area. It does not protrude but the other side is not hard and I am now thinking it could be a tumour inside my neck.

Knowing how I am with this sort of thing I have left it this long but it has not gone and does not appear to be getting any better.

I am terrified now and the anxiety is consuming me. I am so fearful of going to the doctor and having to go through this all again. I have had numerous episodes of this sort of thing and always it has turned out to be nothing, but this time I bet it is!

Should I put my head in the sand or go?


02-02-07, 11:40
It could be a pulled muscle ??

Maybe get someone to give you a neck massage to see if that helps.

If not then pop to the doc's for reassurance.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

eddie d
02-02-07, 12:16
i bet it isnt

02-02-07, 13:02

If you are experiencing neck pain, I would think this could be muscular. With anxiety we get a lot of muscle tension and I for one suffer a lot with my neck and shoulders.

The hard lump that you are feeling could well be what is a build up of lactic acid - I'm a massage therapist and when I do a back massage, most people have got these hard nodules somewhere - neck, shoulders, etc. Some (like mine!) are huge, others are small. They are just a build up of waste products from the body and regular massage will break them down and help relieve the tension and pain. From experience, I find that often people have them on the side that they use more - I'm right handed and mine are worse on the right side. I don't think this is an exact science though, just my observations!

So I would suggest you book a back massage with a qualified therapist - a sports masseur would be really good as they do a deep massage and trained more indepthly, but any massage therapist will be able to help.

Don't know where you are in the country, but if you're anywhere near me (Kent/London area) I'd be happy to help!


02-02-07, 13:26
I'm terribly frightened now. I have done a google search and what is coming up is infected lymph nodes which can indicate cancer. I am literally shaking like a leaf now.

I phoned my doctor's surgery and they have said I cannot see anyone now until Monday.

Oh dear, sometimes I wish I had never been born.

02-02-07, 13:33
Hi Ladybird,

Please dont google hun thats the worst thing you could do as I've been there done that. I think what you have is tension as I have it on different parts of my body. When I panic about a certain symptom I tend to read posts on the forum from people who have experienced the same and it cheers me up no end knowing I'm not alone and its related to anxiety. Reasurrance to us health anxiety sufferers is a big thing although sometimes it doesnt last for long but its great at the time. Please dont google we are all here for you. xxx

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

02-02-07, 15:29

I bet when you google'd you also found just as many sites that said it was harmless and nothing to worry about etc.

It is just that you only chose to find the worst possible reason for the problem.

Put it behind you and go to the doc's on Monday but it will be muscualr or something quite simple I am sure.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

miss diagnosis
02-02-07, 16:57
hi. I had apain in my neck for ages and i went to the doctor.cos iwas sure i flet lumps.She had a look and said i just strained it doing pilates!!!

also if your pillow is getting old that can really hurt your neck. trying getting new pillows. and hey..its an excuse to shop!!!

02-02-07, 21:29
Thanks for all the support so far.

Well, I was so freaked out, I left work early today and presented myself at my doctor's surgery. She tole me "We're fully booked" so I said I was willing to wait for ever. She then went to her book and said she could fit me in at 5.40!! Why could she not have told me that in the beginning for God Sake!!

She said I would be seeing a new doctor - Mrs Sing. OK no probs.

However, when I got there I told her the story that I have had discomfort in my neck for 3 weeks and I was very worried that my lymph nodes might be affected. Well, she felt in ONE place and said No, there is nothing wrong there. I said well I can feel a hard place here and she said no I cant feel anything.

Well I can assure you, everyone, that there is a hard mass in my neck and I know it will be found later but probably too late!! I know what you are all thinking - that I am panicking and there is nothing there, but I can honestly tell you ther is something there!!

The doc said as it only hurts when I move my neck, it is muscular. Well I know that sounds right but believe me there is a hard mass there and she never found it.

She is young, very young and probably just starting out. I had no confidence in her whatsoever.

I am back to square one!!!

eddie d
02-02-07, 23:28
go back and ask to see another doctor .you must reasure yourself.

03-02-07, 04:16
hi there, sorry to hear that you are feeling so worried right now.
The kind of swelling that you describe is nothing like the symptoms of lymph tumours is nothing like that, a friend of mine had that cancer and survived.
I often when my anxiety is high (like now) get the same symptoms you have, please dont work yourself up, doctors are ace when it comes to this.
Have a massage and practice really tensing up your neck and shoulder muscles for the count of 20 then relax and let your shouders really droop,
it will really ease i promise xxxxxx


05-02-07, 16:32

tumours do not hurt. fact. this is why people often don't realise they have them. i thnk because you have worked yourself up so much that you do need to go to the doctor for them to tell you that it is nothing.

two weeks ago i had a tremor in my thumb. i was convinced it was parkinsons. i went to the doctor and they patiently explained that it wasn't and why and two days later it disappeared.


my life is full of catastrophies, most of which never happened

05-02-07, 21:40

I hear what you're saying, but, I can feel a hard mass in the right side of my neck. The doc didnt bother and never found it. I just left thinking oh well, I will probably die from this. Anyway, I will probably go back and demand a proper examination. She did not do that.

I spoke to my sister and she so, so what, if you have something, dont break a leg over it. just accept, even if it's terminal. I cant believe she said that. She is strange.



05-02-07, 23:13
Harsh words from you sis mate. If you are not happy go back and get a proper examination, its the least you deserve.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".