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eddie d
02-02-07, 11:30
hello guys ,
i have just come across this site and its a real help & eye opener .
i think ive been having attacks for maybe 5 years now on and off .ive been on this one for almost a year now .
my neck is as tight as bugger now and im starting to get very nervy about going out .the doctor has put me on 10mg citalopram .
i dont know ,sometimes its very hasrd ,and i feel that if my ultimate fear was to happen it would be a relief to be honest as it just seems so hard .
so any help appreciated

02-02-07, 11:35
Hi Eddie

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

02-02-07, 11:53
Hi Eddie,

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

02-02-07, 11:57

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

eddie d
02-02-07, 12:13
thanks for the welcome .
reading through the other posts im laughing my haed off and crying my eyes out .

02-02-07, 13:22
hi eddie
welcome to the forum
take care
rach x

02-02-07, 13:43
Welcome. you'll find lots of friendly help here


02-02-07, 14:39
Greetings Eddie and welcome aboard. I'm new too, just started last night.

I know the symptoms and the panic attacks are rough. I have them every so often myself along with a general anxiety that's always bugging me to some degree. Remember though, that none of it can hurt you. Panic attacks increase your adrenaline, can make your heart beat faster and produce all sorts of weird feelings. Tingling or numbmess in your limbs, hands or feet. Chest tightness or pains. Even an urgent need to go to the bathroom. Man I know it's scary and certainly feels like something terrible could happen. But remember my friend, nothing terrible is going to happen.

Your worst fears won't happen because of your panic attacks or anxiety. Anxiety and panic attacks cannot hurt you. They're terrifying, mind-boggling and just plain awful, but they won't ever overwhelm you or destroy you as you're fearing. I know that panic attacks have brought on great fears in me too, like fears of heart attacks or passing out or hyperventilating.

Yet, I've been through these hundreds of times and not once have I had a heart attack, or passed out. Not once have they harmed me physically in any way. It may help you to remember all the times you've had panic attacks and escaped unscathed. Shaken and afraid perhaps, but unscathed, ultimately unharmed.

My heart goes out to you and everyone here. Have faith my friend, none of this can last forever. This anxiety and panic are certain to pass. It may take time, but the buggers DO go away. I use a lot of tapping with EFT and it has helped me a lot with my own situation. I'd highly recommend it to you as well.

Good luck and God Bless you my friend. All will be well, through all anxiety and panic, all will be well, you will ultimately overcome it, have faith in yourself,


02-02-07, 18:56
Hi Eddie

And a BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:D



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"